Converted Spanish Light Horse

by Ken Gordon

(December 2002)

Converted Spanish Light Horse by Ken Gordon

Converted Spanish Light Horse by Ken Gordon  Converted Spanish Light Horse by Ken Gordon

To quote Ken...

The reason they came about was because you can get all the inf. for a Spanish DBA army out of one box of HAT light infantry and I am a cheapskate. There were always too many slingers so it seemed like a good idea. The heavy cav I will make from the Cart. command box which is probably the best value box in the whole series IMHO.

One thing that made a difference was the loctite glue. To give you an idea of how strong it is, on the slinger figure I just bent his left arm down without any heat and stuck it to his thigh and it held. It really is amazing stuff.

My favourite bits are the shields which I made from plastic lids using a 'leather' hole punch and them just pinned them on.

The hole punches I picked up at a local market for about £1.00 each and they come in a range of sizes ideal for all those round shields. You can also cut a circle then cut a the middle out to get a crescent shaped pelta.

Cool, eh?!

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