Painting of the thirty-five Buddhas of Confession  and Medicine-Buddhas


Keywords: Purification practice in Tibetan Buddhism , the bodhisattvas confession of downfalls ,

purification of negative karma, thangka, painting , picture, mahayana , sutra of the three superior heaps ,

medicine buddhas , Lama Tsongkhapa


    The Bodhisattva`s Confession of Downfalls(Sadhana)   Sanskrit Names of the 35 Buddhas    A book with explanations (Lama Zopa) 

             The Confession of Downfalls( Excellent Commentary) PDF-File(1.3Mb)

    How to Perform Full-length Prostrations

Tiled in nine pieces : ca. 84 cm * 60 cm to print with homeprinters
or better in copyshops with computer graphics support

(Click on the pictures to enlarge)

Complete Poster: (4.94 MB)