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 Changi prison, 1969.  This is not where the Australians were held prisoner.

Changi Maximum Security Prison, 1994

Contrary to the myth this is NOT where most Australians spent the period of captivity in 1942/45

This is where they were incarcerated

Selarang Barracks, Changi, on the island of Singapore

  • Over the years the story of the dreadful treatment by the Japanese guards of Allied Prisoners of War (POWs) has been told a thousand times. Unfortunately many myths have grown up, particularly here in Australia. I make an attempt here to provide the truth. It is awful enough without having anyone gild the lily.
  • First lets get a few things on record before the enraged mob comes for me with the rope.
    • I am NOT an apologist for the Japanese or their treatment of POWs.
    • I fully recognise the horror of that time (as well as one can without living through it) and the deep and lasting effect it had on the men and women concerned. I do not try to downplay that at all. Each one who lived through it and returned to lead a close to normal life is a hero in my eyes.
    • Those who died in captivity are just as much to be respected on ANZAC Day as any other sailor, soldier or airman who was killed in action.
  • My desire is to see the truth told so that when my grandson reads the "history" of WW2 and comes to the part about Changi he will be dealing with fact, not some urban myth that has grown up and gained a life and respectability from constant retelling.

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