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[+]AA Graphics

Image by Shannon, drawn off of a Nadia image

Electra's Stardust

Enter a contest!

The latest contest at Stardust is to draw any one of the SME villians! You may choose Kurai, Hasaki or Empress Kyouran, though choosing Kyouran isn't recommended because of the lack of a good description of her outfit. You may look at Kurai and Hasaki's profiles or pictures to get what their outfits look like.

Rules and Rewards

Because this is a picture contest, I'll be judging on how well I like the pictures of course! There are a few rules.

1. All pictures must be recieved by July 30, 2004.

2. No hentai or pervertedness. At all.

3. You may enter twice only.

Now for the prizes! Because I'm poor and not that creative, you will recieve, what else but art! I will draw 3 pictures for the 1st place winner, 2 for second and 1 for 3rd. Groups may be acceptable depending on my time available at the end of the contest.

Please send all entries to my email, I can't wait so see some entries!