Home Directory FRAMED?

London's International Playing Card Society says the deck used in Britain and the U S derives from earlier French cards.

HEARTS - King: Charlemagne, Queen: Judith of Bavaria (a daughter of Charlemagne) Jack: Redoubtable medieval French warrior La Hire.

SPADES - King: David, Queen: Minerva, Jack: Hogier, one of Charlemagne's paladins.

DIAMONDS - King: Julius Caesar, Queen: Rachel (wife of Jacob), Jack: Hector, Sir Lancelot's half-brother.

CLUBS - King: Alexander The Great, Queen: Marie d'anjou (wife of dauphin Charles VIII), Jack: Sir Lancelot.

Electronic card games are electronically random. With a deck of cards and nothing wild, there's 2,598,960 possible poker hands. Chances of getting Nothing are 1:1. A pair = 1.37:1. 2 pairs = 20:1. Three of a kind = 46:1. Straight = 254:1. Flush = 508:1. Full house = 693:1. Four of a kind = 4,164:1. Nonroyal straight flush = 7,292:1. Royal straight flush = 649,739:1. All 13 cards of any suit = 160 billion:1.


Bob Lancaster
