
Although I was born in England, I've lived in Seville since 1989, and I've exploited my creative resources since 1991 using photography, drawing, painting, texts and other techniques. I've had individual and collective exhibitions from that year on in Seville and Cordoba, the two most recent being collectives at the end of 1999 in Galería Juana de Aizpuru y "99 del 99 (Artists against AIDS)" in the Convent of Santa Inés (Seville). My subjects are imaginary architecture, the life and loves of shop dummies and other non-human beings, and the passing of time. In 1997 I took a photograph of myself every day of the year, and the work that came out of this-"365 Pautorretratos" or "365 Self-Pautraits"- is 27 metres long and includes the photographs accompanied by texts from my diary and transcriptions of dreams. In the intervention "Fuera de contexto" ("Out of context") (1997) I distributed the 120 sentences from the Cuadernos Rubio (printed exercise books full of surrealist ditties, Spanish children are supposed to learn to write by copying them) all over the city of Seville, giving them a new context. "Dentro de contexto" ("Into context") followed this, photographs and poetry, with the collaboration of 14 more artists. Each year I organise the "Salón de Fotografía en Mi Salón", a Bad Photography Competition which has become more and more popular amongst a public capable of anything. I believe that this is progress and it forms part of my struggle "contra las modas en el arte" ("against fashions in art"). My photographic specialities are the Pinhole Camera, manual manipulation (darkroom and otherwise) of black and white photos, colouring photographs and self-por/pautraits. I've taught basic, specific and advanced photography, always putting the emphasis on the fact that photographic technique only exists as a back-up to the photographer’s ideas, and that first and foremost comes creativity.

Las hermanas Lumière

What our little show is made of

The Tears of a Chicken     Penned In        Eat Your Pet     Camouflage     Common or Garden     The Pit     Noah’s Ark

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