El animal común (The common or garden animal)

Photographs by Carmen

Animals found in shops, in people's houses, on clothes... used as decorative objects or embellishment, these animals crop up again and again in our daily lives. We share our lives with them but most of the time we don't even see them. Chicken salt cellars, dolphin key rings, fish carpets or snail candelabra, there they go...

Specifications.- Photographs grouped together, each group of pictures following a specific criterion. At the moment the series is composed of eight works, the size of each group varying slightly, with an average size of around 20 x 20 cm. mounted in passe-partouts of 40 x 50 cm.

Las hermanas Lumière

What our little show is made of

The Tears of a Chicken     Penned In        Eat Your Pet     Camouflage     The Pit     Noah’s Ark

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