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Travel to Brazil: info

Brazil: 4,577 miles of beautiful beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean
A Gifted country. A natural paradise
  • The world’s most exuberant flora and fauna
  • Immense coastline of natural beaches

Travel: Brazil information

Brazil : The new sensation (again)

Brazil: the great temptation for these vacations. Once but, it returns the demand for the Brazilian beaches. Here a practical guide with info and data for all the destinations, until those but ignored by the tourists. Brazil is a vast green territory, with good beaches and very tempting prices for the american and European tourist, this way if you think about traveling, think about Brazil.

Braziian middle class apartment blocks spread all over the city and more are to be found in some districts in the northern sector, such as Tijuca and Grajau.This picture gives only a broad and rather impressionistic description of class stratification in Rio de Janeiro. The three-level division aims with a broader guideline as to the nature and location of the sample areas. These areas cannot include all the shades of social differentiation since they are not socially homogeneous as far as income and status are concerned.
The so-called favelas include human settlements with a wide assortment of characteristics, depending not only on the amount of public investment receivedover the last years, but also on building layout and income profiles.

Brazil beaches : Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazil information

Report of Brazil travel
The most complete report about Brazil !:
  • Hot fun .
General Brazil info