
welcome to are cheats list

Drive around and get your car rigged. Make sure the car is a fuel tanker and drive to a police station on level 2 and get out of the car.

You then wait outside and hit the police station with the rocket launcher 3 times. All the police men come out burning.

Then Bubba tells you that all the cops have been killed and you need to meet him at the middle of golden gate bridge.

Then you get a mobile phone call to say they have rigged the whole town and need you to set it off with the tanker.

You then need the tanker drive it to where you are now and set it off with a rocket launcher.

The whole level explodes and every one dies and you win ultimate points.

Also you get new weapons, my favourite is the nerve gas gun which spreads green gas around and kills everyone.

Then Bubba will come along with a flamthrower and says "I'll flame your but!".

You kill him, and you get on a secret level. It's hard and complicated.
Sent in by Anon

Iamgarrypen: More Rude words.
Nineinarow: All levels plus God mode.
buckfast: all weapens.
RSjabber: Full guns and all gangs come together.
Spaceomatic: New Space Stage

Sent in by Garry to penn

to get all weapons and all ammo & no police!
step1}delete the pesons name & enter iamthelaw & start game as soon as it starts press escape then enter then escape then delete iamthelaw & enter buckfast & start the game & u will have all weapons and all ammo & no police

Sent in by gamemaster greg wright

When entering your name,type BUCKFAST then when you are playing press * on the numeric keypad,you will now have every weapon with 99 bullets. If you run out of bullets press * again to have 99 bullets again.
Sent in by Casper

Go to name selection and delete the name. Then type in bstard. This will give you all guns, infinite ammo, armour and a get out of jail key. But it will make the game harder as it will take away the yellow arrow that guides you on every mission.
Sent in by Pete "The master of cheats man" Doherty

type "gouranga" as your name and then changeit to any of the names below to use the cheat
buckfast-start a city wide riot of muggers
rsjabber-infinite invulnerability
mademan-maximum respect from all gangs
cutie1-99 lives
arsestar-keep weapons after death
iamdavej-9999999 points
tumyfrog-all levels
eatsoup-free upgrades
godofgta-all weapons plus maximum ammo
Sent in by Eline Teunissen

Itsgallus:All Levels=Cities
nineinarow: Same as above
superwell: Same as above
iamthelaw: No Police
stevesmates:No Police
itcouldbeyou:Gives you 999999999 points
suckmyrocket:All weapons & powerups
itstantrum:Unlimited Lives
6031769: Unlimited lives
hate[space]machine: Multiplier up to 10
buckfast: press * on the keyboard to get all weapons but no powerups
callmeigel: Same as above
porkcharsui: Diagnostic Mode- (Use to enable cheats below)
iamgarypenn: Extra Offensive Language Mode
iamnotgarypenn: Disables Extra Offensive language Mode
Heart of Gold: View all cutscenes
Hope these come in Useful!- See ya- :-)
Sent in by Alex Moyler

suckmyrocket:all wepons.
iamthelaw:no police.
itsgallus:all levels.
Sent in by SPopeworm

1. BUCKFAST-Gives everything when you hit the * key when you play.
2. IAMTHELAW-No cops in the game....beware this will make some missions impossible to do.
3. PORKCHARSUI-Hit the C key when you play to see speed & damage to vehicles.
4. ITSTANTRUM-Unlimited lifes.
5. SUCKMYROCKET-All weapons,armor and"get out of jail free" card.
6. ITCOULDBEYOU-9999999999 points.
7. HATE MACHINE-Points multiplied by 10.
8. ITSGALLUS-All levels.
Sent in by In2home Use

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