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All of the major and minor characters in this *poorly acted farce*.

Peter Griffin
Peter is the bumbling head of the family. He is the typical New Englander: He loves the Sox, hates New Yorkers, and is a Lapsed Catholic. He always says what's on his mind, but this just means he is always putting his foot in his mouth...just like every male on the planet! He loves TV and hanging out with friends, and frequently has to lie to cover up his mistakes....with HILarious consequences.
Lois Griffin
Lois is the level head of the family. She is constantly trying to get Peter to do the right thing, and she frequently is seen giving advice to her children. When she's not dodging baby Stewie's attempts on her life, she is cooking or cleaning to make her family happy. She is defintely way out of Peter's league, but for some reason she loves him anyway.
Brian is a dog who lives with the Griffins, and he is Peter's best friend (he's a dog!). He is a unique dog because he can actually talk....and he is always the voice of reason for everyone in the house. As a matter of fact, he is the smartest thing in the household. All this is tempered by the fact that he has a crush on Lois, extraordinarily lofty goals, and is literally a boozehound.
Stewie Griffin
Stewie is the Griffin's one-year-old child. From the womb he has had evil intentions of taking over ther world, and has an evil accent to go along with it. He is always suspicious of adults, and he is constantly trying to do away with his mom Lois and her 'estrogenical tyranny'. Even though he is an evil genius, he can still be as naive as any other baby.
Chris Griffin
Chris is the oldest child, and he is just plain confused in more ways than one. He has a natural artistic ability, though he is pretty much a failure at everything else. He still has the mindset of a two-year-old child, and of course, there's that evil monkey in his closet....
Meg Griffin
Meg is just like any other teenage girl: she thinks she is fat and ugly, has a new crush every week, and her one goal is to be popular. Despite this, she is the most level headed of the three children, and helps her mom offset the sheer idoicy and lunacy shown by the men of the family!

Joe Swanson
Joe is the handicapped-yet-athletic neighbor of the Griffins. He has a teenage boy and a perpetually pregnant wife, not to mention a very nice house. Although they are friends, Peter doesn't like Joe because he is too perfect....except for his weakness for Steven Seagal movies.
Heh. Heh. Alllriiiiiiight. Quagmire is Peter's next door neighbor. Commercial Pilot by day, Sex addict by nigh....well, all the time! When he's not lounging around his bachelor pad in his silk robe, he can be found around town picking up *chicks* or soccer moms to bring back to his place....or spend the night with something inflatable otherwise. He also has a crush on Lois (read: semi-stalker).
Cleveland is one of Peter's neighbors and buddies. A deli owner, Cleveland is the most level-headed of the Spooner Street men, in stark contrast to his hyperactive son Cleveland Jr. and his fiery wife Loretta. His role is to pretty much tell Peter that he is an idiot....though Peter always does whatever anyway.
Diane and Tom
The Channel 5 anchors Tom Tucker and Diane Simmons. They try to get along on camera, but it's painfully and hilariously obvious they loathe each other off camera. Watching the news of Quahog unfold with them is always an adventure in political INcorrectness!
Mr. Weed
Mr. Weed is Peter's boss at Happy-Go-Lucky Toys, Inc. He has a hilarious accent, and is usually motivated by his sexual tendencies....but not for women, so to speak. As an authoritarian, Mr. Weed hates Peter because he screws up all the time.
Mayor Adam West
Mayor Adam West is the Mayor of Quahog. NO, he doesn't think he's batman, but he is always very paranoid and ready to pounce at a moment's notice. He is also quite delusional, and therefore is the perfect mayor for this town. And boy does he love his taffy. Really voiced by Adam West.
More characters to be added as their episodes are added to the episode archive. Giggity giggity giggity...

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This site is in no way affiliated with the Fox corporation or the creators of Family Guy. For incredibly entertaining purposes only. All original material copyright FOX