Fijian <=> English Dictionary
English-Fijian dictionary
Audio English word Fijian word Fijian pronouciation comments
1st person singular qu
2nd person dual drau
2nd person plural muni or singular polite
2nd person plural oni or singular polite
2nd person plural (oni) ni
2nd person singular iko
2nd person trial dou
3rd person plural era
3rd person plural ira
3rd person singular na
3rd person singular, "he", "she" koya
a title tui when prefixed to a place name
a, an e dua na one of
abandon biu-ta lai-va vakadua
abase vakaisi-na
abased sa vakaisini
abash vakamadua-taka
abate vakalailai-taka
abbreviate vakalekaleka-taka
abdomen kete-na boto ni kete-na
abduct lawa-vaka vakabaca-na
abet vuke-a too-taka
abeyance tei tuu
abhor ca-ta
abhorrent ca-ti vakasisilataki
ability vuku rawa kaa
abject vakaloloma lomani; dawai
ablaze kama tiko
able rawa
aboard I waqa
audio about (approx) rauta
above dela
above I cake, I dela
abroad mai valagi mai vaalangi
accept ciqoma
accident vakacalaka vakathalakaa
accommodation otela, icili ootela
ache mosi
across (go across) takoso-va taakoso-va
across (the road/river) I tai
addict dau-, manamana-
addicted to kava daugunuyaqona manamanayagona
administration veiliutaki
admire qoroya
admission icurucuru
admit vakadinata
advantage kena vinaka
adventure ilakolako talei
advice vakasala
afraid rere
afraid of rerevaka
after (wards) oti
afternoon yakavi (from about three)
afternoon sigalevu (till about 3pm)
again tale
against (be against) saqata
against (lean against) ravi-ta
age yabaki
agree duavata, vakadonuya
agriculture teitei
ahead I liu
aid veivuke
air cagi
air conditioned vakabatabatataki vakambatambataataki
airline kabani ni waqavuka
airplane waqavuka
all kece, taucoko
allow vakadonuya vakandoonuya
almost voleka vooleka
alone duadua, taudua
also tale ga tale ngaa
always dau, tu ga tuu gaa always laughing - dau dredre, dredre tu ga
amazing veivakadrukai
ambassador mata
among (persons) maliwai
among (things) I maliwa ni I maaliwa ni
ancient makawa
and kei, qai
and kei, ka, ia
angry cudru
animal manumanu
another dua tale another (different) - duatani
answer (n) isau
answer (v) sauma
ant qasikalolo nqasikaalooloo
antiseptic wainimate ni mavoa
any (a quantity of) na
any (at random) dua ga ndua ngaa
apology (ceremonial act of) soro
apple yapolo
appointment veibuka
apporximately vakacaca vakathaathaa
argue veiba, veileti
arid dravuisiga
arm liga
arrive yaco
audio arrive, come to a stop kele
ascend cabe-ta
ashamed madua maanduaa
ask taro-ga
ask for kere-a
aspirin aspirini
at I, mai
at e, mai
audio at, from, hither mai
aunt tina-lailai mother's younger sister
aunt nei father's sister
aunt tina-levu mother's older sister
authority lewa
autumn vulaimatumatua
avocado pea
audio awake yadra
audio awake, good morning yadra
away yani, tani
away tani
baby peipei, gonedramidrami
babysitter meimei
bachelor dawai
bachelor (eligible) cauravou
back daku, i muri
back (be back, come back) lesu mai
back (n) daku
backpack idrekedreke
audio bad ca thaa
audio bad, evil, ruin ca
bag kato, taga, beki
baggage iyaya
Bail, to nima
Bailer nimima
baker dauvauimadrai
balcony varada
ball polo
banana jaina
band (military) matabani
band (musical) mataqiriqiri
bandage (n) I-vadreti
bandage (v) vadreti-taka
bank baqe
banknote noti, ilavo pepa
bar valenigunu
bar vale ni yaqona
bark kuli
bark (n) kuli
bark (v) kodro
bashful madua
basket kato
basket kato, basikete
bath tavu ni sisili
bathe sili, sisili
bathe sisili
bathroom valenisili
bay toba
Bay toba
beach (bathing) baravi nuku
beach (landing) matasawa
Beam soko
beans bini
beard kumi
beautiful totoka
because baleta, ni
bed imocemoce, idavodavo
bedbug kutunitana
beef bulumakau
beer bia
before I liu
Beg, to kerekere
beggar daukerekere
begin tekivu
beginner se qai vuli
behind I muri, daku-
behind e muri
behind you I dakumu
belch derekona, todroge
believe vakabauta
bell lali
below I ra
bent kalove
beside I yasa
best vinaka duadua
audio better vinaka (cake)
between I loma ni… kei…
bible ivolatabu
bicycle basikeli
audio big levu
bill bili
bird manumanu (vuka)
birthday sigaanisucu
biscuit keke, bisikete
bit tiki
bitter gaga
audio black loaloa
blame beitaka
blanket vulaqeti
bleed dra
bless vakalougatataka
blind mataboko
blister buta
blond uluvula
blood dra
blow (person) uvu-ca
blow (wind) liwa
audio blue karakarawa
board (ship) vodo
board (v) vodo
boat waqa, boto
body yago-
boil (n) bo
boil (v) vakasaqa-ra
boiled saqa
bomb bomu
book ivola
bookshop sitoa no ivola
bored vucesa
boring vakavucesa
audio born sucu
borrow kerea, vakayagataka
boss boso
both ruarua
bottle tavaya
audio bowl tanoa
box kateni
box kato
boy gonetagane
boyfriend itau (tagane)
bracelet qato
Branch tabana
brave yaloqaqa
bread madrai
breadfruit uto
break musuka
break (glass, china) voroka
break (rope, vine) gutuva
break open basu-ka
breakfast ikatalau have breakfast - katalau
audio breast sucu
breastfeed vakasucuma
breathe cegu
breeze mudre
bribe vaqumia
bridge wavu
bright ramase
Bring kauta mai ka ou tah my
broken kamusu
broken (bone) ramusu
broken (glass, china) kavoro
brother gane ngaane female's brother
brother taci- male's younger brother
brother tuaka- male's older brother
Brother's daughter vugoqu yalewa
Brother's son vugoqu tagane
brown braun, raradamu
bruise dabuiloa
brunet, brunette uludamu
bucket vokete
bug burogo
build (bridge) viri-a
build (building) tara
build (wall) tuva
building vale
bull tamanibulumakau
burn (n) vakama vaakamaa
burn (v) kama
bus basi
business bisinisi
busy osooso, ogaoga
but ia, ga ngaa
butcher buja
butter bata
butterfly bebe mbeembee
buy voli-a
cabbage kaveti
café valenikana
cake keke
camera itaba
camp (n - army) keba
camp (v) vakavalelaca, keba
candle kadrala kaandrala
candy loli
capital koroturaga
car motoka
car (Eng.) motoka
cards (deck of) imau
cards (play cards) veimau
care qarauna, maroroya to take care of
care veitalia (vei au) I don't care
carpenter matai
carpenter matai, mataisau
carrot kareti
carry kau-ta
carry (person) on back vava vavaa
carry baby in arms keve-ta
carry in arms roqo-ta
carry on back dreke-ta
carry on shoulder cola-to
cassava tavioka
cat pusi
catch (thing running) tobo-ka
catch (thing thrown) ciqo-ma
catholic katolika
cattle bulu.makau
cattle bulumakau
Caucasian vavalagi also valagi
causative adverb prefix vaka
cave qaravatu
cemetery ibulubulu
cent sede
cent sede
center loma
centre loma-donu
certain kila sara ga kilaa sara ngaa
chair idabedabe
chance gauna
change (money) veisau-taka
chat veitalanoa
cheap saulailai, saurawarawa
cheese jisi
chemist (pharmacy) kemesi
cheque jeke
Chest sere
Chestnut ivi
Chew, to mama
chewing gum drega
chicken toa
chief turaga tuuranga
chief or gentleman turaga
chief's house valelevu
child gone
child gone
child (offspring) luve-
chilli rokete, boro
chocolate jokeliti
Church vale ni lotu vahley nee lohtoo
church building vale tabu
citrus moli
clean savata
clear (results) macala
clear (understood) matata
climb kabata
clock kaloko
close (v.) sogota
clothes isulu
Cloud ou
Coast baravi
coconut niu, bu new
coconut tree vu ni niu
audio cold, coolness batabata
Come lako mai la ko my
commoners lewenivanua
confederacy matanitu government
contraction of ko i au oiau
cook vaka.saqa
Coral lase
Corpse to be eaten bokola
correct dodonu
cost isau
count wilika
cow bulu.makau
cry tagica
cup bilo
dance tara.lala, danisi
Dance meki
dark buto
Daughter luvequ yalewa
Daughter's daughter makubuqu yalewa
Daughter's son makubuq tagane
audio day siga stop raining, daylig
die mate
different dua.tani, dui.dui
differently dui
difficult dredre
dinner vaka.yakavi
dirty duka
disease mate
distant yawa
do, make work cakava
doctor vuniwai
dog koli
don't kakua
down ra
dress vinivo (Eng. pinafore)
drink gunuva
audio Drink gunu goo noo
drive draiva
driver draiva
drum lali large wooden drum
dry maca
each dui
ear daliga
earth qele
Earth Oven lovo loh-voh
easy rawa.rawa
audio Eat kana kahnah
Eatible Greens rourou leaf of dalo root
Eatible Greens bele Island gabbage
Eatible root dalo similar to taro
audio eight walu
Elder brother tuakaqu tagane
Elder sister tuakaqu yalewa
empty galala
empty maca, lala
English vaka-valagi
audio enough rauta
enter curu
equal tau.tau.vata
err cala
even tau.tau.vata
evening yakavi
audio Excuse me tulou/tilou too-low
expert dau
eye mata
audio eye yaloka eggs
face mata
fall (rain) tau
family head (elected) matai (Samoan)
far yawa
fare ivodo.vodo
farm itei.tei
farmer dau teitei
audio fast, quick totolo, vakatotolo
Father tata
father tama
Father's elder brother tata levu
Father's elder brother's wife nana levu
Father's father bubu tagane
Father's mother bubu yalewa
Father's sister nei
Father's sister's husband momo
Father's younger brother tata lailai
Father's younger brother's wife nana lailai
feet (meas.) foot
fence ba
Fijian vaka-viti
find kunea
finished oti
fire buka
first ima.tai
first person dual inclusive, us daru
first person singular, "I" au
fish (n.) ika
fish (v.) siwa, qoli
fish with line siwa
fish with nets qoli
fisherman gone dau
audio five lima
flower senikau
Fly laga
fly (v.) vuka
food kakana
foot yava
for ni
forbidden tabu
forest vei.kau
formal presentation sevusevu usually of kava
audio four va
Fowl toa
friend itau
friends vei.tau
audio from mai
fruit vua
full mamau
garden itei.tei
garden plot teitei farm,
audio gently malua
genuine dina
give solia
audio go lako
Go away lako tani la ko tanee
God kalou
gone turaga high chief
audio good vinaka
good day, hello sa bula
Good Morning ni sa yadra ni sah yan-dra
Goodbye ni sa moce ni sa mothey
government mata.nitu
audio great levu
Great Council of Chiefs Bose levu vakaturaga
greatly vaka.levu, sara
audio green drokadroka, karakarawa
grumbling kudrukudru
hair drau ni ulu
half veimama
hand liga
handshake lululu
handsome totoka
happen yaco
happy marau
hard kau.kaua
he koya
he she it, in at e
healthy bulu
hear rogoca
audio heavy bibi
Hello bula! mbula
help vei.vuke
herald mata ni vanua
herald, ambassador matanivanua spokesman
here ke, oqo
here, this oqo
hit (usually with a stick) moku
hold taura
Holy Bible Ai Vola Tabu
honorific prefix (woman) adi
hope nui.taka
horse ose
audio hot, feverish katakata
hotel otela
hour aua
House vale/bure vahley/mburey
how about? vaka.evei
how many? vica
how? vaka.cava
hundred drau dua na drau
Husband daulomani
Husband's brother noqu daku tagane
Husband's brother's wife karua
Husband's father nabugoqu tagane
Husband's father's brother momo
Husband's father's sister nei
Husband's mother nabugoqu yalewa
Husband's mother's brother momo
Husband's mother's sister nei
Husband's sister noqu daku yalewa
Husband's sister's husband noqu veitabuki tagane
I au
i first matai
i- meaning bale bale
I want au vinakata aoo vina kahtah
if ke, kevaka
ill tauvi.mate
in e
in order to me
inhabitant of kai
inside loma
island yanuyanu
just ga
audio kava yaqona
Kava-bowl tanoa
kill vaka.matea
kitchen, cooking house vale ni kuro
Knife sele
knife isele
know kila
Lady marama mahrahmah
lamp cina
land qele, vanua
land, place vanua
landowning group matanqali defined by descent, clan
Leaf drau
learn vuli
lesson lesoni
letter, book vola
life, healthy bula
audio light in weight mamada
Little vaka lailai vahkah lie lie
Lobster urou
Lock of hair of virginity taube
long (time) dede
audio long, tall balavu
Mammae sucuna
man tagane
mango maqo
many vuqa
marker for common nouns na
marker for common nouns a
Marker for proper nouns (ko) o
market makete
marriage vaka.mau
audio mat ibe
matches masese
mature matua
meaning ibale.bale
meeting bose
middle veimama
mile maile
minute miniti
miss (v.) cala
Mister turaga turangah
money ilavo
audio month vula
audio moon vula
morning mataka
Mosquito namu
mother tina
Mother nana
Mother's brother momo
Mother's brother's wife nei
Mother's elder sister nana levu
Mother's elder sister's husband tata levu
Mother's father bubu tagane
Mother's mother bubu yalewa
Mother's younger sister nana lailai
Mother's younger sister's husban tata lailai
mount (v.) vodo
mountain ulunivanua
mouth gusu
name yaca
Native Lands Commission Veitarogivanua
near voleka
Needle eula
net lawa
new vou
news ituku.tuku
newspaper niusi.veva
night bogi
audio nine ciwa
audio No sega senga
No segai
noon siga.levu
Nose ueu
nose ucu
not sega ni
ocean wasa.wasa, wasa
of ni, nei
office vale ni vola.vola
old makawa
old person qase
One dua ndoo ah
One more dua tale ndooah tahley
audio one, or a in front of nouns dua
only ga, dua.dua, wale ga
open dolava
or se
Orange moli
outside tuba
Owl lulu
owner of soil taukei ni qele
papaya weleti
Papwe ualeti
pardon me vosoti au
pardon me vositi au
past tense a
pastor alatala
path, track, road sala, gaunisala
payment isau
pen (Eng.) peni
penny peni
people kai
perhaps beka if you please, expre
person tamata
pig vuaka
place vanua
plant (v.) tea
plantain, banana vudi cooking banana
play, recreate qito
please yalo vinaka, beka, mada
pleasure marau
Plenty vaka levu vahkah lay voo
possible rawa
post office positovesi
pot kuro
power mana
presumptuous, to be viavialevu
pretty totoka
province yasana
Quickly vaka totolo vahkah toe toe lo
radio walesi
audio rain uca
read wilika
ready vaka.rau
audio red damudamu
reef cakau
Relationship Fijian Kin term
religion lotu
report ituku.tuku
request kere.kere
rest cegu, vaka.cegu
rest, retire vake-cegu
restaurant vale ni kana
retire vaka.cegu
return lesu
right side ima.tau
right, correct, straight dodonu
ripe matua
river uci.wai
road sala, gauni.sala
room rumu
root waka, vu
run cici
sacred, forbidden tabu
Sail laea
sail (v.) soko
sailor mua as in kai mua
sand nuku
Sarong sulu ss-loo
say tukuna
school koro ni vuli
school teacher qase ni vuli
sea wasa, wasa.wasa wai tui
see raica
seed vua
sell voli.taka
audio seven vitu
sharing ancestral god tauvu
sharp gata
she koya
shirt sote
shoe ivava
shoe, sandal vava
Shop sitoa seetoah
shore baravi
audio short lekaleka
show vaka.rai.taka
sing laga sere
sir saka
sir, madam saka
Sister's daughter luvequ yalewa
Sister's son luvequ tagane
sister's son vasu
sit tiko, dabe remain, be in a plac
audio six ono
skin kuli
sleep, goodbye moce
audio slow berabera
slowly vaka-malua
audio small lailai
smart matai expert, skilled; car
snake gata
soap sovu
soldier, bodyguard bati holder of the marches
some so
Son luvequ tagane
Son's daughter makubuqu yalewa
Son's son makubuqu tagane
sorry lomana
soul yalo
source, root vu
speak, talk, word, language vosa
Spear motu
spear moto
Spirit kalou
spirit kalou, yalo
spouse wati
stand tu
stand up tu cake (tu=stand, be;cake=u
star kalo.kalo
stay tiko
stick kau
stomach kete
stone vatu
store sitoa
story itala.noa
straight dodonu
strong kau.kaua
student gone vuli
sub-clan tokatoka
sugar suka
Sugar cane dovu doh voo
audio sunny siga
sweet kami.kamica
swim qalo
table teveli
talk vosa
audio tall balavu
tapa masi
tapioca tavi.oka
taro dalo
teacher qasi ni vuli
tell tukuna
audio ten tini
Thank You vinaka vee-naka
that (adj.) oqori, oya
that (conj.) me, ni
that, there koya, oya
the na, a
there keri, kea , oya, oqori
there kea, keya
there, that oqori
they rau, ratou, era, ra, ira
Thigh ogavae
audio thing ka
think nanuma
this oqo
thousand udolu
audio three tolu
throw viri.taka
time gauna
tired oca
to i
to, towards ki
today dai.dai, nikua
audio today nikua
Toilet vale/lailai vahley lie lie
audio tomorrow nimataka
tomorrow ni mataka
Tongue yame
too much rui
tooth bati
top dela
torch cina
tree kau, vu ni kau
tree grub yavato
trouble leqa
trousers (Eng.) tarausese
audio true, genuine, sincere dina
try tovo.lea
turtle vonu
twenty ruasagavulu
audio Two rua roo ah
type mata.qali
underneath e ra
unhappiness rarawa
up cake
use yaga
verbal particle sa
very sara
Village koro kohroh
village green rara
visitor vulagi
wait for waraka
walk gade, tau.bale
walk, stroll taubale
Walk, stroll, gade go for pleasure
want vinakata
want to via
wash savata
waste time (hit the day) moku siga
water wai
Wave biau
we daru, datou, da, kei.rau, kei.tou, mi
weather draki
week macawa
Well mataniwai
wet sua.sua
whaleÆs tooth tabua
whale's tooth tabua
What is this na cava oqo na thava on go
what, which cava
when (conj.) ni
when? naica
where? vei
whether se
which? cava
white person vavalagi
who? cei
wide raraba
Wife watiqu
Wife's brother tavalequ tagane
Wife's brother's wife noqu veitabuki yalewa
Wife's father nabugoqu tagane
Wife's father's brother momo
Wife's father's sister nei
Wife's mother nabugoqu yalewa
Wife's mother's brother momo
Wife's mother's sister nei
Wife's sister tavalequ yalewa
Wife's sister's husband karua
will na
wind (n.) cagi
wireless walesi
with, and kei
woman yalewa
wood, stick, tree kau
word vosa
work cakacaka
write vola
Yam uvi
yaqona-drinking house vale ni yaqona
year yabaki
audio yellow dromodromo
audio yes io, ia ee-oh
audio yesterday nanoa
you iko, drau, dou, onε, nε
audio you kemuni cardinal pronoun 2nd person plural
Younger brother taciqu tagane
Younger sister taciqu yalewa
youth cauravou

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