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Etika Memancing

Membawa balik ikan yang diperlukan sahaja
Tidak membuang sampah merata-rata
Sentiasa meningkatkan ilmu memancing dan pengendalian bot
Mematuhi peraturan memancing dan pengendalian bot
Menghormati hak-hak pemancing lain
Menghormati peraturan padang pancing persendirian
Menyebarkan pengetahuan
Menyokong usaha-usaha pemuliharaan alam sekitar
Tidak melepaskan ikan dan tumbuhan keperairan awam
Berusaha membangunkan sukan memancing

                     Fishing Directory  | Weather Reports

Do Fish Survive Catch & Release? : Rod & Line 98
One of the most common topics I have been asked about over the years is the question of survival of released fish. These days, as more and more anglers become conservation oriented, catch-and-release....

Sukan Memancing : Potensi, Halangan Dan Cabaran : PANCING 98
Apakah 'sukan memancing?' Secara mudah 'sukan memancing' adalah menangkap ikan dengan menggunakan mata kail, tali dan joran sebagai satu rekreasi....

Factors That Will Destroy Fisherman's Dream : ROD & LINE 98
The commercial fishing situation is getting worse as the eyes of the nets used have reduced from 4 inches to 1.5 inches. There have been too many instances of encroachment trawlers into their non-fishing zones....

Angling And The Law : A General Overview : ROD & LINE 98
There are fisherman and anglers in this world because there are fish. Otherwise they will not exist. They might be catching frogs instead as a hobby....