Fondcombe cattery

© copyright 1999 - 2005

January 25, 2005
Association loi de 1901 fondée par Marie-Christine et Didier HALLÉPÉE

118 rue de Gassicourt - 78200 Mantes-la-Jolie - France
Tél/Fax : 01 30 33 31 79 - Mail :
siret 419 931 746 00012 - enregistrement DSV 1093/4 du 11/05/99

Turkish Angoras

 We no longer breed Turkish Angoras but we have kept our wonderful Marvin de la Perle d'Antalya, neutered


Turkish angora origins from frontier beetween Persia and Turkey, around Van. It was introduced in Europe during XVIIth century where it was most appreciated. During XVIIIth, it was considered as a royal gift. It conquiered all the world. Then it was used to create longhaired breeds, as Persan.Then, it was forgotten and almost disapeared from Europe during XIXth century. During XXth century, Ankara zoo programmed to save this breed. Legend tells it was so rare that exportation was sentenced to death for a native, to life emprisonment for foreign people! In 1959, an american woman, Mrs Charles Weed discovered it in Ankara zoo and introduced it in the United States.


Its silky semi-longhaired coat and its extraordinary temperament make this cat an exceptional one. Its is traditionnaly white with blue, gold, amber or odd eyes. All colors also exist. Its favorite place is around your neck.

see also Les plus beaux chats du Monde

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