by Suzi Bite, in Rockhead paper, sumr,91

The story begins when an alien being implants itself as something like a larval form inside the abdomen of a human female. Slowly, by feeding off the blood supply... of the host, the alien thing grows inside of her, gradually taking on more and more control. ... her form becomes incredibly bloated, distended, disfigured.

Before expelling itself, the alien... now in complete command of it's host's physiology, directs the captive endocrine system to begin injecting major doses of hormones into her bloodstream. ... They... transform her normally rational brain/mind system into one more reminiscent of other mammals..., and turn her body into a food-production factory.

The emotional state... is one in which the woman is essentially subservient to the alien. [taking her entire life's focus.] Her own former tastes, concerns and self-interests are rendered dim and secondary to those of the alien, even at great cost to her health and well-being. Within 24 hrs of its bloody, screaming, slimy entrance into our world, the ugly, wrinkled, wiggling alien has achieved its objective. Its host being... is now its willing, devoted slave.


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