Well, I broke down and actually paid for an isp. I got tired of messing with Juno who tried to limit me to a few minutes a day. I was doing about 5 to 6 hours but I had to go through a goofy ritual and now everything is really easy. I went to Family Video . I gave them $12.95 for a month of no ad pop-ups, no banners, and no gettin' booted. Just pay for x-number of months at $12.95/mo, add $2 processing fee, and your good to go. Save $20 year; pay for a year $155.40 +$2 = $157.40
I think that's a decent savings over the big guys. Juno premium web is cheaper but they would have to bill the phone company and I don't want to bug my dad. I can drive in and take car of this, no prob.

This is my first page. What shall I do here?
I want to add music and pictures and links to other sites I've been to. Like that goof guy on H.Stern Friday night June 2,2001. He was a plumber and had his mom and his wife show Stern their ample breasts. He wouldn't look at his mom's but he made his wife show Howie her bare butt to boot. Just to promote his movie at HollywoodActor I accessed their files and they had some movie clips but nothing special. There's no way this gut will out gross Howard Stern's "Private Parts" movie.
Now the sisters that were on are at Girls House On Line and they are nude there. That site is $10 a week and almost 40 bucks per month! They ARE hot and like to mess with each other but there is so much nice stuff for free that it isn't worth it unless 4 or 5 guys get together and chip in to get it.
They are also at Ultrasisters
See my Photos Only at MSN
My Page List
Home Page You're at my INDEX page, Now.
My Replica Coin Rounds are on Page Two
Scanner Dots Per Inch comparisons are HERE75 dpi is same as original on my 19" monitor
See All URLS This has other sites I have worked on.
My Opinions about Marlboro Miles and they aren't happy thoughts.

My Wassup? page deals with two identical catalogs from competitor coin shops. Only minor changes like name of company, e-mail address, phone number, and many prices were seen. Something fishy here.
Remember When...There was a Save Jeep Rally at Promenade Park in Toledo Oh?
The Easter Bunny tried to Save Jeep