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Emerose Baby Showers
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Children’s Day
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House Decor Mother’s & Father’s Day
Mementoes New Year’s Day
Packaging Products Secretary’s Day
Soft Toys Teacher's Day


Bags & Accessories
Assortment of bags from the region.
Handsewn by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia
Handsewn reversible bags by the disadvanged mothers in Singapore
Handsewn by the disabled and disadvantaged in Vietnam
Handsewn white bag by the disabled and disadvantaged in Vietnam
Handsewn sling bag by the disabled and disadvantaged in Vietnam
Handsewn pouch by the disabled and disadvantaged in Vietnam
Handsewn velvet pouch by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia
Handsewn reversible bags by the disadvanged mothers in Singapore
Handsewn reversible bags by the disadvanged mothers in Singapore
Handsewn bags by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia
Handsewn pouches by the disadvanged mothers in Singapore
Handpainted by the intellectually challenged in Singapore. Handpainted by the intellectually challenged in Singapore. Handsewn green leaf pouch by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia Handsewn coconut pouches with tissue holder, by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia
Silk shawls handwoven by the disabled and impoverish in Cambodia Silk shawls handwoven by the disabled and impoverish in Cambodia Silk shawls handwoven by the disabled and impoverish in Cambodia Handwoven shawls by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia
Handsewnpencil cases by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia, and physically disabled Malaysia
Handsewn and handprinted slippers by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia
Handsewn baby shoes by the disabled and impoverished in Cambodia
Handsewn baby sling by the disadvanged mothers in Singapore
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