
1. You have to be a fan of Mika, of course.

2. If you have a website, upload one of the codes ON YOUR OWN SERVER and link back to me. Anyone with a site listed has a week after you`re added to have a code on your site.

3. If your website`s URL changes, inform me! I don`t have time to go chasing people all over the internet!

4. If you want to change your info, email me with all of your new info, including the fact that that`s the reason WHY you`re emailing me.

5. Fill out the forms COMPLETELY. I don`t want to have to chase you for half finished forms.

6. No character names or sticky caps or character`s girlfriend names, please. I like my list looking neat. If you give me a stupid name, I reserve the right to change it!

7. When it says 'Orange purse', you say 'Yellow shoes' to show you`ve read this. My little tribute to Mika`s brilliant accessorizing.