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spedia is reliable and easy to use, but It has quite precise and demanding timecounter, which could be mentioned as a drawback. This is why it demands quite active surfing to get much points. Other than that, spedia is quite good pay-to-surf program...

How does spedia work ?

You will be paid for surfing the net, while the spediabar is active. You can also earn by registering to all kinds of instant cash promotions, by playing games or by receiving e-mail from spedia's sponsors

How much can I earn with spedia?

spedia pays it's international members $0,30/hour. For north-american members' the rates are a bit higher. spedia also pays it's most active members a "small" bonus. That is about 20-50% above the normal rates.( To earn this you will have to surf at least 2 hours per day, which is quite difficult due to the accurate counter) There is no limit for how much you can surf per month. You earn as much as you surf.


spedia pays for referring new members, for reading e-mail and for registering to the instant cash promotions. Some of these offers are the kind of offers at least I tend to join even if nobody pays me. They are also planning to start paying for playing small games, such as tetris.

The referral compensation structure

You will be paid 10% for all the money your direct referrals earn. For Second, third, fourth and fifth referral-level you will be paid 5%. The referral-system is five levels deep and the amount of referrals is not limited.


spediaBar is a small program, that you will download during the registration. You can choose wheter it is docked in the top or the bottom of the screen. It uses about 10% of the space on your screen.

We have joined spedia and have received some money. Here is a check we have cashed.

Click the banner below and join !

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<FONT FACE= Remember to write my member ID when they as for the sponsor: 2900235 =)