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My name is (AMY), I'm a friend of Beverly XXXXXXX
Shortly after Lisa was injured, Beverly contacted me and asked me to pray for Lisa and view her web site. At the time Beverly told me about Lisa, she had no idea that my husband was physically abusive to me. My ex-husband suffered from severe depression and anxiety. Over the nine years we were together his anger become more and more out of control. At times of rage he would hit me, kick me, knock me to the ground, beat me with a belt and once me choked me to near unconsciousness. But even with all the abuse I always accepted his apologies and continued to stay in the relationship. After viewing the website and hearing about what happened to Lisa, I made a decision to leave my husband and make a new life for myself. The night I moved out of my home, my husband was chasing me with his car and nearly ran my car off the road. What saved me is that he got pulled over by a police officer for speeding. When I heard the siren from the police car, I drove off and never returned to my home or my husband. I look back at my relationship and I realize that I saw the warning signs of his abusive behavior before I married him and chose to look the other way. I know now that I will never allow anyone to abuse me again. I believe that hearing Lisa's story may have saved my life. She has touched my life in such an incredible way. I'm sure that my life isn't the last life she will touch! I pray for Lisa often, she is so fortunate to have such a loving and caring family.

Best Wishes,
God bless you all!

"To Lisa"

A circumstance beyond repair,

as flecks of gold woven in her hair.

From azure eyes that mocked the sight,

of the hues of blues in air twilight.

As diamonds strewn across her smile,

laughter and sunshine as a child.

A gentle nature that rests upon,

she lives in us, she is not gone.

A way of subtle humbling grace,

of all who were blessed to caress her face.

You'll find her in the early morn,

of dew dropped petals who have been scorn.

You'll feel her in the beckoning rain,

that washes all clean and returns again.

In the setting sun of amber dawn,

she lives in all, she is not gone.

When waves dance lazily upon the shore,

she'll resume the tide and return once more.

For all the greatness has its way,

of strengthening what is here to stay.

She'll play amongst the silver stars,

that say goodnight to all that's ours.

And with God's arms she's synonymous,

and she'll embrace the paths of all of us.

And the tears that fall sorrowfully upon,

will remind our hearts, she is here

Forever, she is not gone.

E-mail by Jan Weberg

Good morning,
My name is Jan and I am the mother to Sean Scally. Apparently he met you while my dad was in the hospital. I simply wanted to thank you and Lisa for being living testimonies to my son. He talks of you often and speaks about your faith. At this time in his life he is still questioning whether there is a God or not and I am thankful that the Lord that has placed you and your daughter in his path.

My He continue to richly bless you and rest assured that you and Lisa will continuously be in my prayers.

E-mail by Aunt Sue
There is a purpose to every season in time, And when we let go of fear and trust in the infinite wisdom of life, only then can our hearts be free to hear the song of hope. Only then can we move gracefully from what was, into the miracle of what can be.

Proverbs 3: 5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not in your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path.” It is very important and exciting, what is revealed to us when we have faith in him who saves us. Lisa has gained not only a wonderful gracious gift, but an incredible testimony from what Christ has done in her life and the lives surrounding her. I feel the need to pray for the man who was involved, that he might speak the truth and seek the Lord for forgiveness. Christ charges us to pray for all things and I feel that we should. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it isthe gift of God” (Eph.2:8). I feel truly blessed to have witnessed this miracle and I’m sure all who read this will agree that our God is and awesome God.

Hi!   I am related to Samantha Tokash and I heard about Lisa on Sunday 29th of September and I started to pray for her recovery and for your strength throughout this horrific time. I even prayed for the repose of her soul thinking that she had died! On Friday October 4 while I was away with 11 other girlfriends at a cabin in Aspen dale, near Bishop, I again lifted Lisa up to the Lord and prayed for all those who mourned the tragic loss. I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude to hear on Saturday October 5 that LISA IS ALIVE!! What a miracle! We immediately had a special prayer time for Lisa and we all lifted her up and asked the Lord to continue the good work that He has begun in her, to restore Lisa and to guide the physicians and to give them wisdom. I will continue to ask the Lord to hold Lisa in the palm of His hand and to give you all the strength and the joy to keep on "keeping on"! Look to God for more of His miracles and thank him in advance for the miracles that He has in store for Lisa. Thank you so much for putting together this web page. I will continue to check it and to pray for the specifics mentioned in the progress report. God bless you, now and forever and may His grace be sufficient for you.
Carlsbad, CA

I am an ICU nurse at Mission Hospital and have taken care of Lisa many times.  I have seen miraculous progress in Lisa thanks to the support and prayers of her family and friends.  It is an amazing experience to go to work now and see Lisa moving and yawning and trying to open her her eyes, she even seems to recognize my voice.  I did not know Lisa before this accident but I have come to know her and pray for her recovery throguh the loving words of her family.  I always look forward to seeing your smiling faces and I will miss you when Lisa moves on as she will.  I wish you and your family the best.

I'm not sure how to start off my email so I'm just going to jump into it. My name is Mario and a friend of mine told me about Lisa's story. I believe she is a friend of a friend of Lisa's. I wanted to tell you about my story hoping that it would maybe help with your thoughts and prayers. Here we go... I was working in Venezuela when a drunk driver went through a red light and hit me right as i entered the intersection. He was going so fast (they said 100mph but its hard to believe) that he made my car roll over 6 times. As my car was rolling the weight of the car was pounding my head against the asphalt. My guardian angels must have been with me that night because a taxi driver stopped and tried to get me out of the car. He asked for help but everyone around the accident said i was dead and to leave me alone. A doctor happen to be driving by and he stopped and helped the taxi driver to get me out. They took me to a hospital where, somehow, i got my phone out and tried to call my girlfriend. The doctor took the phone and told her what happened as i could not function. She then called my company and the security personnel showed up. That night the doctors operated on my brain and my parents got a call that there was a accident and i was going to die that night. It was real bad an no one thought i was going to make it. After the operation i had tubes sticking out of my skull to drain fluids. Remember, this is Venezuela so they are a bit behind in the medical fields. After a day passed my parents we called again and told that i was in coma and not to come and pick me up. The doctors in Venezuela were working with doctors here in the US along with my parents keeping posted on any progress. The doctors here in the US said that i would not make it alive. The brain damage was too severe. I am telling you my story so you can see where i was and where i am now and how it might help Lisa. After 4 days in Venezuela i was shipped back to the US in a coma. I woke up about a week later with severe brain damage, not able to talk, could not see, i could think but could not talk, my left arm had no feeling, and everything else you could imagine. The only memory I have when waking up is seeing my parents, aunts and uncles around my bed for about 10min then everything went black again. The doctor was ready to operate on me again but i was able to say one word 2 hours before the operation. Because i said that word, the doctor canceled the operation. It was a sign that i was improving and another operation would cause more damage. When i woke up again i tried to tell my family what happened but i could not talk clear at all. My thoughts were clear in my mind but i could not muster one clear word. Later, when i could control my body functions (moving my arms, legs, pointing, etc.) i was able to get some message across... and start therapy. The left side of my brain was damaged the most so all of my speech functions were impaired not to mention any processing of information around me. Once again, more therapy. I could understand what was going on around me but i could not remember it for more than 20 min. While i was in a coma and after, my family would spend time with me and my Mom would tell everyone to touch me and talk to me. Although i gave no reaction they kept doing it. They would talk to me and let me know what's going on. To tell you the truth, I don't remember any of this as my brain had blocked a lot o things due to pain but as i stand today it had to have helped. I remember 1 second clips like a dream about such things but its not clear. I'm not saying that you dont do these things and I don't mean any harm but i think it might help if you could see my side and i was in Lisa's position before. When someone would talk with me it registered in my thought's but i could not respond. I could think clear and comprehend but it was like someone shut off the switch to my mouth. It just didn't work. My vision was very blurry, almost like a dream and a water color painting mixed. When I could not see people would tell me who they were so i would know. With my job i have to travel to different countries so when people heard about my accident many emails came in from all over. My Dad would read me the emails and I would understand what he read but my mind didn't work like before. It was is super slow mode so i could not really react to anything read as I was still processing what was said. Its unimaginable unless you have been there. Everyone thinks about broken bones, scrapes or bruises. No on really thinks about brain damage and how the healing happens. In my situation my brain registered certain things but i could not respond. One way to look at it is that my brain is a cabinet and i forgot which drawers had my tools. The tool to speak, the tool to remember what someone told me, the tool to see... basically everything. My cabinet had millions of drawers and finding the right tool took a long time. In the end I was lucky. I basically went from death, to a coma, to a 2 year old, to relearning things i forgot, to working part-time and hopefully soon full-time. I read a little about Lisa on her website but i could not read a lot as i started to cry and it hurt me. I wanted you to know that anytime you talk to her she will hear you although you may not see any reaction. Anytime you read to her, she will listen but may not show any facial expressions. Every time you touch her she will feel it although may not remember it. I can remember being in her shoes when people would ask me to squeeze their hand, ever faint i did. They would ask me questions but i could not get any clear words out but my mind understood how to respond. Within 7 months from the accident i was able to start work part-time. The doctors said I would never make it. Now they say that they have never seen anyone recover as fast or as well as I have. To be honest, i ignored what the doctors said after i was shown a scan of my brain and half of it was smashed to the other side. It looked like i was missing one half of my brain. Seeing that image made me drive to get better. Of course i was threatened to be strapped down to my bed, to have an alarm on my bad so when i moved it would go off and everything else a nurse can do but i kept driving. I did things outside of the "therapy hours" in my bed like trying to make my legs work when they just didn't move. I would pick them up and try to bend them. I tried to feel my left arm when there was no feeling. I could not try or have the strength at all if my family was not there. I can imagine you are with Lisa all the time and i want you to know that it helps and makes a difference to her and her recovery. I'm telling you what i remember in my recovery and how these very, very little things (like a kiss on my cheek, a touch of the hand, or someone sitting next to me on my bed) that a healthy person would not even realize but make a huge difference. I have written a lot and i hope it was not overwhelming. I will pray for Lisa... 
Guard well, Mario


Copyright © 2003 Brian Struchen