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What role does God play in your life?

-Written by Johanna

Okay, I know what most of you are thinking : "God?? Boorrrrriiinggggg!!!" But before you click back to the main page, why don't you read OUR personal stories of what God's done in each of our lives. (Now these are some good stories, so you'll be missing out if you don't read them, plus you'll have an inside peek at us!)

Johanna's story

Yanavey's story

First of all, we want you all to know that we are both Christians, and if you read our stories, you have seen what God has done in our lives. He can do the same for you. The truth is that God is the key to self-esteem, finding your identity and all relationships. However, we are not using this perspective on those pages of our websites because we do not want to make girls feel uncomfortable. We want to reach as many girls as possible, and if we limit our webpage to just a Christian point of view, then a lot of girls may never visit this website. Despite this, we strongly feel (and know) that God can really help you in those different aspects. If you are genuinely interested in how...drop us a note, and maybe we'll address it in this section soon! Now keep reading! ;)

Regardless of what you may think, God is not just up in the clouds (though that's our background!) moving all of us humans around like chess pieces. And the likelihood that He's going to strike you dead with a lightening bolt is well, let's just say VERY unlikely. The truth is that God is your HEAVENLY FATHER. Maybe you haven't received the attention you deserve from your earthly father, so you think God has abandoned you too. But He hasn't, and he never will. You are a DAUGHTER OF GOD!! He looks upon your face with tenderness and mercy, because you are His child and He created you. He is a kind, loving, and forgiving father! Maybe you've made some mistakes in your life and you think that God could never forgive you. Well check out what Psalm 103:112 says: "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us." Once we confess our sins to God, He takes them and dumps them into the deepest ocean. He will never hold them against you, and you shouldn't hold them against yourself.

The truth is, ladies, that there IS evil in this world and the Devil DOES exist---and he wants your soul. The Devil wants you to think that everybody goes to heaven---so why not live your life and do whatever you want??? The answer to that question is simple. If you do whatever you want, chances are you will get involved with people and activities that draw you further and further away from God. And though you may not be following the Devil consciously, you are not following God either. Either you are for God, or you are against Him. The earth is one giant spiritual battleground, and we need protection from the evil around us. Although spirituality and God are debatable and even touchy subjects, we chose to include it on our website because high school is the Devil's playground. You will be pressured to do drugs, drink, have sex, to name a few. And if you aren't prepared and protected by God, you will walk right into the Devil's trap. "How do I protect myself?", you may ask. Here's how:

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these, take the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:11,14-17.

Now who said girls can't be in the army?? Because if we do what the Bible says above, it looks like we could be some pretty good soldiers! And if you arm yourselves with the things above, you will be able to conquer anything high school, and life for that matter, throws at you! Imagine, women fighting on the front lines of a major battle. Well, ladies, we are! We are Soldiers of God and we are fighting on the front lines of the biggest ongoing battle in history: the war for our souls! So are YOU ready to fight? Let's go kick some Devil...uh...tush! ;)

Want to know more?? Well dig deeper and check out these websites--they're awesome!

Cafe Reality (a neat hang out place for Christian teens, with daily devotionals and other cool stuff!)-

Brio (a cool Christian site for teen girls with advice, glamour, articles about God and other cool stuff)-

Plugged In (reviews on music and movies from a moral, Christian viewpoint)-

Bible Gateway (an awesome site where you can find any bible verse, about any subject, in any language!)-

Guideposts for Teens (one of the coolest web pages I've ever ran across. It has everything, including polls, chat, advice on sex/dating, school, music, and even the latest word from celebrities! Check it out for yourself!)

Do you have a sincere question about spritual matters? Write to us at and we guarantee we'll write back! (Please do not write to us with arguments about God...we are not here to argue and do not have time to---this is our opinion. However, if you are struggling with the issue of God's existence and other such like matters and are sincerely looking for an answer, please write us.) God Bless and have a great day!