Joseph Cuddy

Joe and Gert Cuddy, Josie Clark, and Bill Lawler
Joe and Gert Cuddy, Josie Clark, and Bill Lawler

born: 19 Oct 1883, Sheldon,Iowa
occu: farmer near Westside,Crawford Co.,Iowa and South Dakota
died: 2 Jul 1964, Vail,Crawford Co.,Iowa at his home
bur: 4 Jul 1964, Arcadia,Carroll Co.,Iowa at St. John's Cemetery
spouse: Gertrude WHITE
born: 21-26 Mar 1884, West Side, Crawford Co.,Iowa
died: 27 Oct 1974, Carroll,Carroll Co.,Iowa at St. Anthony Nursing Home
bur: 29 Oct 1974, Arcadia,Carroll Co.,Iowa at St. John's Cemetery

Pedigree Chart

           |          |
           |          |--------
  |------James CUDDY ( - 1900, possibly CO or KS?)
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  |        |---------
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  |                   |--------
Joseph CUDDY (1883 - 1964, Iowa)
  |                   |--------Phenton LAWLOR (Ireland - Ireland)
  |                   |
  |        |---------John LAWLOR (1803, Ireland - 1883, Iowa)
  |        |          |
  |        |          |--------
  |        |
  |------Mary A. LAWLER (1848, Kentucky - 1887)
           |          |--------
           |          |
           |---------Mary LALOR (1816, Ireland - 1860)

The exact birth and death dates are from the SSDI for Joe Cuddy, which match up with Iowa and the approximate age that Mel Foley gave me for Joseph.

Joseph and Gertrude had no children.

Gertrude was a daughter of John and Mary (King) White. She was a younger sister of Ed White who married Mary Lawler, Joe's distant cousin.

More Information: BIOGRAPHY | OBITUARY | Gertrude's OBITUARY

Sources for this individual: @S23@ @S1173@ @S565@ @S542@

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