For those who dare to push the envelope!

Command your own starship!

In this area, I will detail several new things that I have created for Star Fleet Battles.
I have added a section that details the Two Phase Optional Rules that we have created and used to great success. It speeds up the game considerably and still keeps the feel of the 32 impulse system.

You also might want to have a look at the Unofficial SFB Home Pagefor a whole lot of other interesting SFB material.

Check it out!

In the meantime, I will begin to post my carefully (I think) thought out system for generating new ships. It is going to be slow going, so bear with me.

I've now also begun adding my rules for a strategic/operational style game of SFB. Currently I'm only putting up the combat rules for it. Eventually I put it all up.

I've added yet another facet to my SFB collection. I finally figured out how to get pictures loaded on here, so I've begun to include my Shipyards page where I will put up a collection of ships that I have created, either from scratch or from other ideas floating around. This page should prove to be a "growing" page, as I have a lot of SSDs to create.

I've also taken the bold, new step by introducing my new race that I've spent some time on. Please check them out on my New Races page.

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