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Laboratory Section

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I, ____________________ a student in science at Spring Valley High School, do hereby agree to follow all safety rules and regulations as set forth by the instructor. I realize that compliance with these rules is necessary to assure the safe operation of the school laboratory and provide safe environment not only for myself, but for my fellow students and teachers as well. I will therefore, cooperate fully with the teacher and students to assure all of us the safest laboratory possible. I will act responsibly to look for possible safety hazards, and will immediately point out these hazards to the instructor. I realize that, as a student, much of the responsibility for safety is in my hands. I have read the attached rules and will comply with them to the best of my ability. I understand that violation of these rules may result in the loss of laboratory privileges and possible disciplinary measures.



Signed____________________ Date____________________


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Lab Report Format






Lab Report Format

1. Purpose:                      WITH TITLE, FORMAT WORTH 5  POINTS TOTAL                

                                       One or two sentences explaining WHY you were to perform this lab.

2. Materials:                    5 POINTS

Include what a student would need to complete this investigation. Be specific, thorough.  May include a diagram/drawing of apparatus if clarification is needed

3. Procedure:                  5 POINTS

In 3rd person (NO "I", "YOU", "WE", etc), describe step-by-step what was done to carry out the lab. Write in such a way that another student could complete this experiment by following your procedure.

4. Data:                            10 POINTS

In tabular form, present both qualitative and quantitative results in an organized, easy-to-follow format. This section must include the following:

  • All measured values with appropriate units
  • All calculated values with appropriate units
  • Any relevant observations made during the investigation

5. Calculations:                  10 POINTS

For all quantitative results that were calculated, show how those values were obtained in this section.

  • If a formula or equation was used, make sure to include it as well.
  • Show all steps followed in determining your result.
  • Box answers, showing the correct number of significant digits, with appropriate units.

6. Conclusions:                  10 POINTS

This, the most important section of the report, is a place where you summarize, analyze, reflect on and show understanding of what you did in the investigation. Be sure to include:

  • A summary of the procedure in 2-3 sentences
  • A discussion of your expectations (what you might observe, what your results would be, what problems you might encounter) prior to the investigation and in what ways were your expectations met or not met. Minimum 3-4 sentences
  • A discussion of your results, in written form as compared to tabular form in the DATA section. Include an account of the accuracy and precision of your results, as well as quantitative and qualitative comparisons of experimental to accepted values
  • At least two sources of error, NOT INCLUDING human error, which had an effect on your results, and how those sources affected the results
  • At least two significant concepts, ideas, techniques, etc that you learned or were reinforced during this investigation





  1. Purpose:
  2. To practice using laboratory instruments to measure both accurately and precisely.


  3. Materials:
  4. Meter Stick

    100mL-graduated cylinder

    Plastic funnel



  5. Procedure:
          1. Measure the height of the door.
          2. Measure the length and width of desk.
          3. Find the area of the desk
          4. Determine the maximum volume of your single hand cup
          5. Determine the maximum volume of your double hand cup
          6. Measure the temperature of your hand after holding a thermometer for two minutes.


  6. Data Table:
  7. Height of Door

    8,375 cm

    83.75 m

    .08375 km

    Length of desk

    44.3 cm

    .443 m

    Width of desk

    59.5 cm

    .595 m

    Area of desk

    2635.85 cm ²

    .263585 m ²

    Vol. Single hand cup

    12,000 mL

    12 L

    Vol. Double hand cup

    42,000 mL

    42 L

    Temp. of hand


    93.2 °F






  8. Calculations:

    83.75 m x 100 cm/1m = 8,275 cm 83.75 m x 1 km/1000m = .08375 km
    44.3 m x 100 cm/1m = 4,430 cm 59.5 m x 100 cm/1m = 5,950 cm
    12 L x 1,000 mL /1L= 12,000 mL 42 L x 1,000 mL/1L = 42,000 mL
    AREA: 44.3 * 59.5 = 2,635.85 m² 4,430 cm² * 5,950 = 26,358,500 cm²
    TEMP CONVERSIONS: (34 * (9/5)) +32 = 93.2°F
    34 + 273.15 = 307.15 K
  10. Conclusions:
        1. A one or two sentence summary of the procedure.
        2. The procedure for this lab is to walk around the classroom and then find the measurement of an object around the classroom. Then use your conversion process to find the same value but in different measurement.

        3. Expectation you had before your started.
        4. The expectation I had before starting this lab is to get to know the standard lab rules and regulations. Also I expected to learn how to use the basic lab equipment.

        5. In what ways were your expectations met or changed.
        6. My expectations were all met. I got to learn the basic laboratory procedures along with the basic lab equipment.

        7. Discussion of the result in written form.
        8. The height of the door was 8.375 cm, 83.75 meters and 83, 750 km high. Then the area of the desk was 2458.65 cm² or 263585 m². Then the volume of my single hand cup was 12,000 mL or 12 L and my double hand cup was 42,000 mL or 42 L. Then the temperature of my hand after holding the thermometer for two minutes was 34°C or 93.2°F or 307.15K.

        9. Include a discussion of the accuracy and precision of the result.
        10. My accuracy and precision of my result was good except for the had cup results. There, it was not very accurate due to me spilling water and missing the funnel.


        11. Two sources of error and not human error and how those sources of error effectuated your results.
        12. Two sources of error that could have changed my results is the ruler could have been worn down at the end or there could have been a leak in the funnel. This could have affected our results by not giving me a very accurate result.


        13. Name at least two concepts that you learned or was re-enforced.

I learned how to use the metric conversion method. Also, I re-enforced my skills in teamwork.

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