The Lord of the Rings

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  1. Aman - Also called the holy shore, Ar-Pharazon, King of Númenor, landed his ships on this shore to make war and Illtuvar destroyed them.

  2. Amon Sûl - A tower in the realm of Anor, it was on top of weathertop. This tower had one of the palantír, a stone given to the house of Elendil by the Eldar.

  3. Anduin - This is a river known as Anduin the Great. The fellowship travel down this river after departing from Lórien.

  4. Angband - This is one of the strongholds of Melkor and it was commanded by Sauron.

  5. Angmar - This is the name of the kingdom, which was ruled by the witch-king. It was located in the former Northern realm of Arnor.

  6. Annúminas - This tower had one of the palantír, a stone given to the house of Elendil by the Eldar.

  7. Anórien -

  8. Arnor - The Northern Realm of Númenor on middle earth, it was ruled by Isildur's heirs.

  9. Bag End - The place at which Bilbo Baggins lived and later Frodo Baggins. It was the place that the expedition of dwarves, led by Gandalf, embarked on their journey. This is in the Shire.

  10. Barad-dur - The tower of Sauron. It is one of the strongholds of Sauron and Sauron himself dwells there. It is located in Mordor.

  11. Barrowdowns - A place in the Old Forest where the Barrow-wights live. They were the place of burial for the kings of Arnor and were called Tyrn Gorthad at that time. The hobbits were taken prisoner here, but they were freed by Tom Bombadil.

  12. Bay of Forochel - The body of water near the realm of the snowmen, the ships of King Arvedui sunk there during a storm. The King died and two palantiri where lost.

  13. Beleriand -

  14. Bree - A town populated by men and hobbits, it is located near the Shire. Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin passed through there on their journey to Rivendell. It is at the Prancing Pony that they meet Strider.

  15. Cape of Forochel - The place where the snowmen live, it was here that the Noldor crossed from Valinor to Middle-earth.

  16. Caradhras - It is one of the three mountain peaks near Hollin and Moria, which the fellowship unsuccessfully tried to climb over.

  17. Carrock - The place where the eagles left Gandalf, Bilbo, and the dwarves. Beorn the shape-shifter was known to go there as well.

  18. Cirith Ungol - A tower in Mordor guarding the tunnel from Minas Morgul, Frodo was held here by the orcs of Mordor. Sam broke into the tower past the watchers by using the phial of Galadriel.

  19. Dale - A neighboring city of the Lonely Mountain. It was destroyed by Smaug the dragon, but it was rebuilt by Bard of Esgaroth.

  20. Dead Marshes - Gollum led Frodo and Sam through here on their journey to Mt. Orodruin. The name comes from the dead faces that people are able to see if they glance into its waters. The dead faces are from the battles against Sauron during The Last Alliance.

  21. Dol Amroth - The homeland of Prince Imrahil. It is along the sea and the city's residents have elven blood.

  22. Dol Guldur - The center of evil in the forest of Mirkwood. The Nazgul were known to dwell there. The walls of the fortress there were cast down by Galadriel near the end of the Third Age.

  23. Dunharrow -

  24. Edoras -

  25. Elenna - The island of Númenor, it was destroyed by the One, also known as Iltuvar, after Ar-Pharazôn led a fleet of Númenoreans to attack the Valar.

  26. Emyn Beraid - This tower had one of the palantír, a stone given to the house of Elendil by the Eldar.

  27. Emyn Muil - The mountains near the Rauros Falls, Frodo and Sam were lost in these mountians for many days.

  28. Entwash -

  29. Erebor - Also known as the Lonely Mountain, it was the realm of the dwarves that were exiled from Khazad-dum. It was destroyed by the dragon Smaug, but was later rebuilt after the expedition of Thorin Oakenshield. Dain, king of the Iron hills, was the first new king under the mountain.

  30. Ered Luin -

  31. Eregion - The land in which dwelled Celebrimbor, grandson of Feanor, and other Noldor elves. The elves that lived here had a close association with the dwarves of Moria and were craftsmen. It was here that Sauron offered his friendship and knowledge, which they gladly accepted. This led to the making of the rings of power: the lesser rings and the three great elven rings. The elves were betrayed by Sauron, though, and he overran the land with his armies.

  32. Eressëa -

  33. Eriador - The area of land between the Misty Mountains and the Blue Mountains and above the Greyflood and Glanduin rivers.
  34. Ettenmoors -

  35. Fangorn - One of the oldest forests in Middle-earth, Treebeard the ent lived there.

  36. Greenwood - Called the Great, It was the realm of the elven-king Thranduil to the North and Galadriel and Celeborn to the South. After Sauron and his Nazgul built a stronghold Dol Goldur, the forest was renamed Mirkwood.

  37. Grey Havens - The dwelling place of Círdan, the shipwright. It was from here that elves departed from Middle Earth to the West. Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, Bilbo, and Frodo left for the West here with Círdan. Also, one of the palantír stayed here until Círdan's departure.

  38. Harad - South of Gondor, the men of this land serve Sauron during the war of the ring.

  39. Helm's Deep - A strong fortress in the land of Rohan, The Rohirrim fought and defeated Saruman here.

  40. Hobbiton - A part of the Shire, Bagend is located here.

  41. Hollin -

  42. Imladris - Also called Rivendell, it is the home of Elrond and many Eldar elves. Gandalf took Thorin's expedition to Rivendell to get Elrond's advice on the map of Thrór. Aragorn led the hobbits to Rivendell and they attended the council of Elrond, which talked about what to do with the One Ring. It was also the place where the children of the Chieftains of the Dúnedain were raised. The heirlooms of the Kings of Arnor (the ring of Barahir, the sceptre of Annúminas, the shards of Narsil, and the star of Elendil) were kept by Elrond until the King would rule again.

  43. Iron Hills - Mountains to the far East, it was the realm of Dáin Ironfoot until he moved to the Lonely Mountain.

  44. Isengard - The city that was given to Saruman from Gondor to help guard their realm. It was destroyed by Treebeard and the other ents and it became their garden.

  45. Ithilien - The forest between Minas Tirith and Mordor, it was here that Frodo and Sam were found by Faramir. After the war, the forests were ruled by Faramir under King Aragorn, and later Legolas led some of the elves of Mirkwood to live there.

  46. Helms Deep - It is the place where the men of Rohan bitterly fought with the orcs and men of Saruman.

  47. Hollin - The land of the Noldor elves, it was the friend and neighbor of the dwarves of Khazad-dûm. The three elven rings were created here by Celebrimbor (along with rings of lesser power). The fellowship traveled through this land to enter Moria.

  48. Khazad-dûm - The stronghold of the Dwarves of Durin's people, it is also known as Moria. The dwarves here were friends of their neighboring craftsmen elves. The mines of Khazad-dûm contained mithril. It was lost when the dwarves mined too deep for mithril and released a balrog. It was later populated by orcs and served as prisons for Sauron's enemies. Balin later attempted to retake it, but after five years the dwarves dwelling there were killed. The fellowship passed through and lost Gandalf to the Balrog.

  49. Kheled-zâram - A pool of water, it was here that Balin died from an orc arrow.

  50. Laurelin - One of the two trees created by the god Yavanna, it was destroyed by Ungoliant and Melkor. Their light filled the simarils and gave light to the entire world. A seed was created from the dying tree that became the sun.

  51. The Lonely Mountain - The realm of the dwarves that were exiled from Khazad-dum. It was destroyed by the dragon Smaug, but was later rebuilt after the expedition of Thorin Oakenshield. Dain, king of the Iron hills, was the first new king of this realm.

  52. Lórien - The land of Galadriel and Celeborn, it is also known as Lothlórien and the golden wood. The fellowship came to this land and recieved gifts from the Lord and Lady of the Wood. The land is reknown for their Mallorn trees, which have a silver trunk and leaves of gold during fall, that are only located there and in the Shire.

  53. Lune -

  54. Meneltarma - The mountian on the island of Elenna, the people of Númenor were able to see the island of Eressea.

  55. Meduseld - The halls of the kings of Rohan. The golden dwelling could be seen from afar.

  56. Minas Anor - Called the tower of the setting sun, this city's name was changed to Minas Tirith after the King moved his home here. This tower had one of the palantír, a stone given to the house of Elendil by the Eldar.

  57. Minas Ithil - Called the tower of the rising moon, it was renamed Minas Morgul after it fell to Sauron. This tower had one of the palantír, a stone given to the house of Elendil by the Eldar.

  58. Minas Morgul - It was formerly called Minas Ithil. Aragorn said that people would be unable to live here for many years.

  59. Minas Tirith - This city was formerly called Minas Arnor. The name means tower of guard, and it was called Mundburg by the Rohirrim. This tower had one of the palantír, a stone given to the house of Elendil by the Eldar.

  60. Mirkwood - Also called Eryn Lasgalen, formerly called Greenwood, but the name was changed by the presence of Sauron's Nazgul at Dol Guldur. The name was changed to The Wood of Greenleaves after The War of the Ring.

  61. Misty Mountains -

  62. Morannon - The gate to the land of Mordor. It was here that the captians of the west made their last stand and defeated Sauron's army.

  63. Mordor - The Land of Shadows, it is the realm of Sauron. It is surrounded by mountains and it has

  64. Moria - The stronghold of the Dwarves of Durin's people, it is also known as Khazad-dûm. The dwarves here were friends of their neighboring craftsmen elves. The mines of Moria contained mithril. It was lost when the dwarves mined too deep for mithril and released a balrog. It was later populated by orcs and served as prisons for Sauron's enemies. Balin later attempted to retake it, but after five years the dwarves dwelling there were killed. It was here that the fellowship passed through and lost Gandalf to a Balrog.

  65. Mount Doom - Also called Orodruin, Sauron crafted and forged the One Ring here. Thus, Frodo and Sam traveled here in order to destroy the One Ring and ultimately destroy Sauron.

  66. Nimrodel - The name of a river running through Lórien, it was named after the fair elf-maiden Nimrodel who missed her lover.

  67. Old Forest - One of the oldest surviving forests in Middle-earth, in it lives Tom Bombadil. Old Man Willow sang an enchanting song here that led to the capture of Merry and Pippin. Bombadil saved them by singing a stronger song that forced the tree to let them go.

  68. Old Forest Road - The road that goes through Mirkwood. Bilbo and the dwarf company came through Mirkwood by this path.
  69. Orthanc - This tower had one of the palantír, a stone given to the house of Elendil by the Eldar. Saruman was given the keys to the Orthanc by Gondor and made his abode there. After Saruman's treachery, the Ents of Fangorn took over Isengard and the Orthanc

  70. Orodruin - Also called Mt. Doom, Sauron crafted and forged the One Ring here. Thus, Frodo and Sam traveled here in order to destroy the One Ring and ultimately destroy Sauron.

  71. Osgiliath - This tower had one of the palantír, a stone given to the house of Elendil by the Eldar.

  72. Pelargir -

  73. Pelennor -

  74. Rhûn - It is a sea to the far East.

  75. Rivendell - Also called Imladris, it is the home of Elrond and many Eldar elves. Gandalf took Thorin's expedition to Rivendell to get Elrond's advice on the map of Thrór. Aragorn led the hobbits to Rivendell and they attended the council of Elrond, which talked about what to do with the One Ring. It was also the place where the children of the Chieftains of the Dúnedain were raised. The heirlooms of the Kings of Arnor (the ring of Barahir, the sceptre of Annúminas, the shards of Narsil, and the star of Elendil) were kept by Elrond until the King would rule again.

  76. Rohan - The land of the Rohhirim, Lord of Horses, it was given to Eorl the young because he came to the aid of Gondor during their battle with wild men and orcs.

  77. The Shire - The dwelling place of many hobbits, it was the land of Bilbo and Frodo to name a few. By edict of Aragorn, king of Gondor and Arnor, the Shire was made off limits to any men.

  78. Silverlode -

  79. Thangorodrim - The stronghold of Melkor, it was finally overthrown (after many failed attempts by the Noldor) with the coming of the Valar and an army of elves from Valinor.

  80. Telperion - One of the two trees created by the god Yavanna, it was destroyed by Ungoliant and Melkor. Their light filled the simarils and gave light to the entire world. A seed was created from the dying tree that became the moon.

  81. Torech Ungol -

  82. Valinor - The island that the Valor live on, it is an island of immortals that was forbidden to mortals including the men of Númenor.

  83. Weathertop - The name of the mountain on which was Amon Sul, it was were Frodo wore the one ring and was stabbed by the knife of a ringwraith.

  84. Woody End - A place in the Shire where Frodo, Sam, and Pippin stayed with Gildor Inglorion and other elves of Rivendell.

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