Knuckles Callahan, author's artistic rendering

Full Name: *he looks up coldly, putting one fist around the other and cracking the knuckles in his large hands absently* Conrad Callahan, but 'round here dey call me Knuckles. *though his face betrays it, he's actually trying his best not to laugh* *he loves playing the tough guy role and has had plenty of experience with it*
Age: *he glowers menacingly* *he's eighteen and messing with you*
Appearance: What? Ya can't tell? *he raises his eyebrows in agitation but his chiseled face quickly dissolves into a grin, revealing a set of perfectly straight teeth* Bout average height, 5'9", 5'10" I s'pose. *he smiles again, more gently now, and his hazel eyes shine* Brown hair. *he shrugs his broad, muscular shoulders, running a hand over his hair. It's a medium brown, lighter in parts from spending his days under the sun* *Knuckles is not too hard on the eyes, a fact which he is aware of and has gotten him into trouble in the past; he is somewhat vain about his appearance, in part because of being coddled by his mother*
Background: *a smirk pulls at his lips* I'm from Jersey. But, ahhh... *his face grows serious and his eyes flick downward* I ran away. *not by choice* My ma's back in Jersey City. I ran inta some trouble few years ago... *he trails off, rubbing a hand over his fist; what he's not telling is the years he spent boxing on the streets* *after his father's death, Conrad discovered prize fighting as a means of supporting his mother and older sister, but an image-damaging fall-out involving bribes, gangs, a rigged fight, and prostitution drove him from New Jersey* Came ta Manhattan an' found me way up ta Harlem *he smiles at the word*. Guess things worked out pretty good cuz here I am, leader of da East Harlem Newsboys. *he shrugs, smiling calmly*
Relationships: Well, ya can't like ev'ryone, an' ev'ryone ain't gonna like you, but we got some good people here. *he nods soberly, lost in thought* *brightening* I try ta keep up wid all da boys 'round hea. Costello's a good guy, so's Colteaux, O'Malley, O'Leary, an' Sanderson. An' Needle, Muse, Mess, an' da McGowans, Cody an' Memphis. *sighs* But dey've moved on. Still try an' see 'em now an' den though. Oh, and of course me an' Murphy are like dis. *he crosses his first and middle finger and grins slyly* *they really aren't like "this" at all; Ruse hates him* And... *his expression grows slightly sheepish and he smiles* dere's Blue Skies ova at da girls' house. *he mumbles something that sounds a lot like "girlfriend"*
Other notes: *Knuckles got to his position of power by being three things: manipulating, charming, and a great fighter. Some, including Knuckles, would argue that those first two are the same thing: charm. Not to say the boy lacks a conscience, but he's intelligent and knows how to get what he wants, though he may seem somewhat spineless to some. Knuckles thinks in a rather compartmentalized manner; he wouldn't be able to live with himself otherwise because at heart he's a good guy and just wants to please. He was a very talented boxer, and the sport taught him more than just how to throw a good right hook; it taught him how to get inside the opponents head.*


Text and graphic copyright © 2000-2001 Alicia Mazzara. This page last updated Thursday, July 12th, 2001 at 8:06 pm CDT. Please contact with any corrections or problems. Thank you.