Harry and Draco
¤.¤ Love Comes Softly ¤.¤

Draco's eyes widened when Harry clung to him, and buried his face in the Slytherin's chest. The boy did the only thing he knew to do ... he put his arms around Harry and held him close. Everytime a sob escaped the Gryffindor's lips Draco's heart clenched.

As the sobbing started to die down Draco softly rubbed circles on Harry's back with his hand, "I'm so sorry, Harry."

He really didn't know what to say, the whole reason the boy was in this state was because of him and his big mouth. Which that was expected from the son of Lucius Malfoy. When Harry finally went still, Draco sat in the silence for a few moments beforing wondering if the Gryffindor had fallen asleep.



Harry kept his eyes closed for a few seconds, welcoming the peace that follows after a good cry, before slowly looking up at Draco. A faint blush was beginning to grow on his cheeks as he remembered the feeling of Draco's hands rubbing the small of his back but he did nothing to pull away.

He'd never felt this relaxed in a long time and my god he was going to savour every moment.

"I'm so sorry." the blonde said, with such a gentle voice that Harry allowed a very small smile to grace his tear-stained face.

"No, it's ok. I needed this, I needed something to set me off. Thank you...." Harry smirked a little, the pain in his chest lessening, "Not quite what you expected when you started on me, huh?" They both chuckled gently, Harry placing his head back against Draco's chest, not knowing if he'd be allowed to in future.

Draco smirked to himself, no it definitly wasn't what he had been expecting! Then it dawned on him exactly what it would look like if someone, namely Crabbe or Goyle, came along and found him all snuggled up to Harry Potter....not very good!

The Slytherin did like the feeling of the other boy in his arms, but he couldn't risk his reputation, plus it would leak back to this father.He gently pulled away from Harry and stood, extending a hand to help the Gryffindor up.

"Again, I am sorry, but I have to go now."

As he started to walk away he turned and sneered, "Don't think that this has changed things between us, Potter.'

Harry visiably started at the tone Draco had used and felt a disappointed jolt squeeze his heart, but for the life of him he didn't know why. So putting on his stoniest mask, and feeling devastated that he'd giving what appeared to be his rival again some ammunition against him, he straightened himself up and answered with a cold "Fine."

He figured the only way to maintain a little dignity was to walk away first, and so he turned on his heel, his cloak swirling around him like a black flame and held a steely gaze he walked back to Gryffindor tower.

As he whipped round the corner that led to the portrait he stopped and leaned against the wall putting a hand over his eyes as though he had a headache. He didn't know why he was upset by this,("I mean it's just Malfoy") he thought. But he knew that he had caught a glimpse of something, whether it was what you would call the REAL Draco or what not, and to hear that cold voice that he'd heard for the past 6 years kind of destroyed the moment of peace.

Draco sighed as he watched Harry stalk away. He didn't like doing that to Harry, after the tender moment they had just shared, but really he couldn't risk somebody finding out. Besides it was just Harry Potter!! The blonde Slytherin knew that he could have any boy or girl in the school that he wanted.

But he couldn't have Harry.

Draco made his way back to the Slytheirn Common Room, and put his usual scowl into place and stepped inside. A slim blonde girl came running over and he put his arm around her waist, "Pansy."

The girl smiled and handed him a letter, "This came from you, it's from Dumbledore."

The Slytherin's scowl deepened, but he opened the letter....

°• Dear Mr.Draco,

        would you kindly meet me in my office for tea at 7:00 ? I have something to do dicuss with you that it of great importance.

        Lemon Drops!

        -Albus Dumbledore •°

Sensing Pansy reading over his shoulder Draco sneered, "Wonder what the old muggle loving fool wants?"

"I don't know, Drakkie, but you had better get going it's almost seven."

Inwardly cringing at the girl's nickname for him, Draco nodded and left the Common Room.

("What could this be about? Probably going to try and talk to me about not becoming a Death Eater.. well I have news for him, I don't have a choice!")

As he arrived at the stone gargoyle that guarded the HeadMaster's office Potter also walked up. Scowling Draco spoke, "What are you doing here, Potter?"

"What do you mean 'what am i doing here'?, i got a message from Dumbledore saying to come to his office."

("God, I can't even go back to my room long enough to lick my wounds before I see him again!") Harry glared at the scowling face in front of him and before Draco could respond he turned to the gargoyle and uttered the

password.He trapsed up the stairs, acutely aware of Draco right behind him and knocked gently on the Headmaster's office door, where a soft "Come in" was heard.

"Ah boys," Dumbledore smiled as the two boys walked in, Harry inviting himself to a chair and Draco looking slightly less comfortable then The Boy Who Lived," Nice to see you made it without incident."

A twinkle in the headmasters eye made Harry look at him in a suspicious manner. After all, the man did tell him that he had yet to meet another person who kept such a close eye on him last year.Did he know about his breakdown and comforter?

"What did you call me...I mean us... for Professor?"

The old man chuckled. "Straight to the point I see, Lemon drop?" He held out a bowl of sweets to them where Harry gratefully took one whilst Draco seemed to scowl at the sweets before shaking his head slightly.

"Yes well, a most unfortunate incident has occured," At this Dumbledore seemed to sober a little,"You see our two chosen students for Head Boy and Girl were...killed alongside there families by Voldermort's followers this summer..."

Harry sat up straighter at this, the order member side of him taking over whilst Draco looked a little guilty as his father was a death-eater.

"Oh my god." Harry whispered before leaning back into his chair and placing his fingers on his lips as the shock sunk in.

Draco's face visibly paled. Contratry to what others believed he did enjoy the outdoors and had worked hard on the tan he had recieved.

He glanced over to Harry who looked like he was going to be sick, the Slytherin decided that_he_was going to have to do the talking now.

"Headmaster, this is ..-terrible-.. news, but why have you chosen to tell this to Potter and I ?"

The old man smiled inanely, "Well, we will, of course, be needing a new Head Boy and Head Girl, as it seems you and Mr.Potter are the tops of your classes, and so there for we will have two Head Boys."

Draco smirked, "I thought Granger was the smartest in the class."

Dumbledore just let his eyes twinkle, "You and Mr.Potter will be taking over the HeadBoy's tower, it is located behind the portrait of King Arther, the password is Merlin, and your stuff has already been moved there. Now, I have some, eh, issues to deal with, Mr.Malfoy if you will please make sure Mr.Potter gets safely to the tower I would be much obliged."

The Slytherin nodded, and rose with Harry and walked ahead of him out of the man's office.

("Well this is certainly going to be awkward!")

Harry shuffled along behind Draco and slowly began obsorbing all the information. It was when he remembred the comment Draco made about about Hermione that he stopped and frowned and let out a "Hey!"

Draco turned around, looking slightly confused.


Harry looked up and looked started for a second. Seemingly he had forgotten anyone was with him. Then he remembered his earlier run in with Draco and putting on an un-interested face walked past him and said in a vague,almost Luna-like, "Nothing." with his head held high.

This must of looked slightly humourours because Draco looked like he was fighting a smirk.

The reason Harry had actually exclaimed in the first place was because of Dumbledore's lack of an answer.

Now unlike other students Harry had spent time with the Headmaster, and when that man's eyes are twinkling and his answers vague then he was up to something, and undoubtedly this peeked Harry's Gryffindor curiousity.

He strode on, not actually aware of where he was going and was about to walk up some steps before Draco grabbed him by the arm and with a slight smile on his face ("Is that a smile or a smirk...I'm not sure!") he turned Harry in a full circle and pointed him towards an entirely different set of stairs.

Harry's mouth moved into a silent "Oh." And then shrugging Malfoy of his arm, which left him feeling a little colder, he glared and said "I knew that!", and strode on.

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¤.¤ Random Quote ¤.¤


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Feb.12, 2004
Callie turns 17! Happy Birthday to a wonderful writer and a wondeful person!
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