





















Advice for communication


Avoid phone communications

It is not advisable to speak to them on the phone as verbal promises made by them are just "hot air".   Remember their phone numbers so that you may reject their calls or just hang up.  

Speaking in person

It is also not advisable to go on, as they might verbally threaten you with legal action etc. However, if you wish to..

1)  Do not go unaccompanied. Go with a 3rd party who is able to give objective advice. If you're female, try to bring along a male friend. Ask for the right person in charge (preferably the Head of Member Services) who is authorized to make decisions.

2)   Do not allow them to persuade you to pay the rest in full with a promise of selling the membership for you.

3)   Do not allow them to persuade you to pay more by upgrading your membership in hope of improving your chances of selling your membership.   

4)   Obtain any negotiation or promises in print, on their company letterhead and with an authorized signature.  Written documents help you to build your case against them. 

5)   Obtain in print, any confirmation of deadlines given by you for them to revert Do not gives them a chance to drag their feet until your next payment is due.   

6)   Do not allow them to make you loose your cool or be more fearful.  The seller may be entitled to take you to court to force you to complete the contract. They know this fact and they frequently use this as a threat and a fear tactics.  However, it is not known if they do actually carry out their threats in Singapore.  It is said in forum pages that the threat gets real if and when you receive from them, a letter with a lawyer’s (solicitor’s) letterhead. 

7)  Be clear about your purpose of the visit. If it's to terminate the contract, bring along your termination letter and get them to sign on the spot. Do not be side-tracked and end up talking about something else. If you do not get what you want and  they are rude and unreasonable, just leave.   

By letter

Always use written letters to avoid empty promises and to build your case. 


1)   Start a file and keep copies of all letters received and which was sent to them. 

2)    Send letters by registered mail to avoid their excuse of not having received notice from you.

3)      All letters to them to include :

      a)    The contract/agreement reference no. 

b)    Name and signatures of the parties who signed the contract. The contract was signed by both parties hence should have both signatures as well in all letters. 

c)    A footnote  cc to the MD’s name at the headquarters”. Send also to their head-quarters in case their head quarters fake ignorance to the practices of their local counterpart 

d)    Date your letters and track when it was sent out. If they do not reply by a certain date e.g. 1 week, resend another letter enclosing the previous to say that they have not replied and request them to reply. 

4)    If they write to say they have enclosed certain documents when they have not, mention it in your next letter. 

5)    Take time to remember what was presented and study their brochure or website.  This is to be familiar with what they are really offering and what is hot air. 

6)     In case you need to justify your claim of gross mis-representation, keep a record of what is stated in their brochure or what was presented and then facts which does not support their claim.  An example: 

Ø     HOLIDAY CLUB XXX presenters promised a 34% discount above whatever corporate rates for almost all top hotels locally or overseas. However, they have since confirmed that the 34% above the corporate rates is only for SRS Worldwide hotels only.  If SRS Worldwide referred to is the Steigenberger Worldwide website, these are offers for only 4 hotels in Singapore and 4 is certainly cannot be considered almost ALL of Singapore's top  hotels as promised by the presenter.  The SRS already offers up to 30% discount off retail regardless of having membership to their HOLIDAY CLUB XXX and are for stated periods. 

7)    Keep to the point, avoid emotional, expressive words and anything which may be defamatory and thus used against you.   If possible, get help in vetting and proof-reading the draft. 

8)    As a last resort you may consider negotiating for a reduced membership e.g. Lifetime membership to 10-year membership so that you need not pay further.  


  This page was last updated on  19-3-2004