The Company rosters are constantly being updated as I collect more extensive information from various sources. People who might use these rosters as a source of genealogical information are cautioned to be thorough in their search. As an example: My Greatgrandfather's name is Lothaire Bruce Cochran. He sometimes used a different spelling of his "surname" and changed it to COCKERN. He is listed in Company D, but his name was "incorrectly" entered in the company roster as: CORKERN, Lothario B. I am certain that listing is his as I have other sources which confirm he was in Company D. The "city" he lived in is listed correctly.

Links to the 16th's Company Rosters are below.

HQ Co.

Co. ACo. F

Co. BCo. G

Co. CCo. H

Co. DCo. I

Co. ECo. K

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