

First of all.. my choice of music for this page, I thought was appropriate, since I didn't think I could do a Webpage at all.
So, stands for reasoning: "Against All Odds".

Aren't I the cutest thing?!

I suppose you would like to know a little about me since you obviously clicked on the link.. *giggle*....well...I live in London Ontario Canada. Flag Canadian, eh. I am in my 40's, and an 'Internet Junkie' to say the least. *LOL*

I have 2 sons, Garette and Michael.

I am the baby of the family, my only other sibling is an older brother. (by 2 yrs) Check out his page.
My Brother's Family.

Bunny pic

Somewhere along the line, I thought I should explain my nickname. I have been asked a few times, "Why NetBunny"? Well, I am definately a lover of the internet, as well as an avid collector of Bunnies. I am an absolute freak over bunnies! Ceramic are my favorites, but since I started the hobby of collecting them, I have been given so many stuffed ones as well. Anything relating to 'bunnies' has my immediate attention! I just love them! They are so soft, cuddly, and just plain adorable! No doubt, as time goes on, I will "Bunny" my site to death, just as I did my home. I know I have gone a bit overboard, here at the house, but I can't help it. My livingroom is now my "BunnyRoom"! *LOL* My Aunt thinks I need to go to "Bunny Anonymous". Tells you how bad my hobby/addiction is. *giggle*

Ok, for those of you who have not seen me, my pic is below. I am not overly crazy about this idea, but then again, not against it. This is me, obviously on my wedding day. Only photos I have right now.

My son, Garette, can be quite the artist when he goes at it and takes his time. See a couple of his drawings below :) Click to see the larger version. (Even larger version is only 50% of his actual picture size.)

I think that's enough about me and my family for now..I'm sure I'll be adding more as I think of it. Anything more you want to know, just ask me.

Click Thumbnail to see larger pic.
May take a min to load.

NetBunny With my 2 sons, Garette and Michael

Garette's Epic drawingGarette's killer dog picture

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Where to now?

*LOL = laugh out loud, a chat term*


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