and Think!




I know, you are wondering, why the page NetBunny? Well, let me tell you, it is 4:51 am and I just couldn't sleep. I need to get this off my chest first.

I want you to know, I am not whining here, or crying the blues, I am fine, I just really need to voice my opinion.

I think some people need a little reminder once in a while, that behind that Name/Nick we use in chats, is an "actual living, human being with Feelings".

I can actually credit the person who hurt my feelings tonight for the inspiration I've obtained to do this page. Don't get too excited tho, I am not thanking you by any means, just hoping that maybe someone will read this and remember before they speak,

Hey, people CAN be hurt over the internet.

Anyone who knows me, knows I try to be a very decent person. I love to laugh, make others laugh, just have fun, be silly, be a confidant, a shoulder to cry on, or a sounding board if someone needs it. I respect people, and their feelings, and I usually always get that back in return. I have been exceptionally lucky with the people I have met lately over the net.

Many times, there have been people, I admit, whom I would have probably loved to have told off, screamed at, cussed out, insulted, whatever..but I have bitten my lip, because I DO REMEMBER, there is a person on the other end. I don't have to like that person, but he/she still deserves for me to be decent with them.

Oh sure, if I am chanoping in the chat and someone is obnoxious or ignorant, it's Audios Amigos, see ya, catch ya later, bye-bye now. BUT..I do not accuse someone of doing something unless I am sure of it, and I do not insult people with my ignorant judgements. There have been times when I've made comments about "Gee, I hate saying Hi to a jerk". Was I wrong? Perhaps. The person/people I'm referring to are ones who come in with filthy mouths, cussing, or being disgraceful in other ways I'm sure I don't have to mention.

I was insulted tonight by someone accusing me of doing something I sure as heck was not doing, and then I was insulted again by his opinion of me defending myself. I feel women need to work so hard at getting and keeping good reputations, and it only takes one person to make someone look very bad, and ruin what they have earned. Even if I was doing something in a private conversation, it was definately none of this persons business. Some people have so much nerve!

My whole point, I've already said it, Please, Please..remember, someone IS on the other side of your monitor. Try to remember that. Watch what you say, and how you say it. I always try to remember my own feelings before lashing out at someone else. My feelings do hurt easily so I find I am more cautious of other people's feelings.

I do hope this helps someone out there somehow. Prevents someone from having their feelings hurt, or stops someone from being cruel to others. Just take the time to Stop and Think before you speak.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and feel free to voice your opinions, I did. *smile*

Christina aka NetBunny

P.S. I wanted to add that the feedback about this page has been wonderful! Thank you to Everyone for thinking this page was a good idea, and Thank you to those who were hurt and appreciate my opinions on the matter! *~*Hugs*~* to All *smile*

Bunny Hugs

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