
I've decided to add a recipe page after almost a year of considering it. I hope you like what I have come up with.

Feel free of course to use any recipes I post, but do not take them and call them your own. If I came up with the idea, I will say so. You wouldn't want someone to steal your ideas for their own.

Here's one of my son's personal favorites.

I came up with this idea because in our area, you just don't get enough of what you want on/in a bun or they are too dry, bacon bits on one, cheese on the other, etc., etc. And being made at home, YOU know what's in it.

Bacon-Cheese Buns

1 lb bacon*

1/2 C Shredded Old Cheese*

1/2 C Shredded Mozzarella Cheese*

1/2 C Shredded Montery Jack Cheese*

2 Pkgs Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

Cut the bacon into tiny pieces. Fry until golden brown. Drain the grease well by letting the bacon sit on paper towels until the grease is soaked up.

Open your crescent rolls, but don't separate into triangles. Leave 2 together so you have squares instead. ( 4 per pkg) Lay out the squares, join the edges by pressing the perforated lines together. Smother in bacon and shredded cheese.

Once you have them filled to your desired likeness, cover with another square, press down firmly all over the square allowing the bacon and cheese to go into the layers of the crescent dough. (Not through the top layer though)

Seal the edges by pressing firmly along the edges. (You can also add a dab of water to the edges to make them stickier before trying to join them).

Bake in the oven according to the directions on the crescent roll package. 13 Minutes, 375 degree F, or 190 degree C, oven. The time will be fine because the bacon is already thoroughly cooked.

These squares are excellent as a breakfast substitute, snack, or anytime! They taste wonderful cold right out of the refrigerator too!

Only makes 4 Bacon-Cheese Buns so be prepared for your family to beg you to make more! Mine sure does. LOL

* Use what you are comfortable with. My family could never get enough of either in their Bacon-Cheese Buns.


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