A Poem from
My Sis....

"Stand By Me"


What My Sis Means To Me.....

We met online, and simply knew...
Our lives would touch and twine...
We share our joys and sorrows...
Her heartaches now are mine....

She makes me laugh at silly things..
And cry at tenderness...
We think so much alike sometimes
Some people think we're a mess!!

When we disagree or are confused,
We always talk it out...
Of course I know that if I don't
My BunnySis will *pout* !!

She's worked SO hard on her homepage—
I look at it with pride :)
"That's my sis' page", I proudly say,
And act as her homepage guide!!

She lets me boss and order her,
And tell her what to do...
She knows it makes me happy
So she lets me fuss and stew~

We're LEO'S and we think we rule—
And of course we're right!!
We're just alike in so many ways—
Not different as day and night!

She's always there with a *smile* and a *~*HUG*~*
No matter where we meet,
In Westwood, or in ICQ--
A Bunny Hug CAN'T be beat!!

I'm still amazed that this wonderful bunny
Comes to ME for advice!!
And that she actually TAKES it…
Well, HECK, I think that's NICE!!

And she listens to MY problems,
Or to my blissful sighs...
She's bound to get sick and tired of
All the talk about "that" guy!!

She calls me American-Canadian--
And that makes me VERY proud!!
LuvSong LOVES Canadians,
And SHOUTS it right out LOUD!!

On the phone we talk and talk and talk—
We could go on for days!
We never run out of things to share—
We're lucky it's like that, eh?

Oh, yes, I love my little sis:)
That fact I can't deny!
And when we meet for the very first time,
We'll laugh and HUG and cry!!

The bond we have you can't explain,
Or try to analyze....
It just was "there" between us two,
And took us by surprise....

No, we don't share the same blood....
And we live far apart...
But nonetheless we're sisters
.... Sisters of the Heart :))

For you sissy :)
I love you!! :)


Thank you so much sis, this poem means more
to me then you will ever know! *smile* *~*Hugs*~*

Bunny Hugs

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Background by Angel

*The poem was written
by my sis.

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Created Dec-15-98