Opinion Forum

Adorable Bunnies

Where your opinion matters!

Everything I Do


Please tell me what You think.

What's this? My opinion?

That's right!

I want Your opinions! I actually care what you think,
so, tell me. I began this page for me, but now, it is for
the people, so.. how can I make You happy? Tell me.

For you shy people, I am the only person who will
see this. Your opinion matters, so speak up!

Your name/nick: *optional*

(Do not hit return)

1) Where are you from?

(Do not hit return)

2) Do you have a homepage? If so, URL?

(Do not hit return)

3) How old are you?:

4) How often do you visit my page?:

5) Frames and more Java Scripts have been
mentioned to me. What do you think? I am
not fussy about adding frames, and I don't
want to load the site with too much Java.
Should I do it anyhow, or what?

6) Your comments are definately welcomed!
Tell me what YOU think, good or bad. What
can I do to improve my site? What wouldYOU
like to see here?? Thanks.

NOTE: Hitting "Send" will take you back to the first page of my homepage.

Thank You for taking time out to do the Survey for me!



E-Mail NetBunny!

E-mail NetBunny here! 

Last updated Nov-15-00


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