The Birth of Allison Marie

by Kim Sedlacek

My first pregnancy was a tubal pregnancy. That was April, 1994. I got pregnant again on Christmas Eve, 1994! The first 3 months I had a few complications but all worked out. The rest of the pregnancy was a breeze. I LOVED being pregnant. Probably because all my life I had been told that I probably would not be able to carry a child. Mom was given DES when she was pregnant with me and that caused a number of problems with me.

Anyway, Alli was due on September 16, 1995. Well, on September 16th, my husband took me to dinner. I was craving Italian. I had a HUGE dinner. Went home, went to bed.... Nothing! A week went by..... Nothing! Went to the Doctor, he tried to stretch my cervix to help induce labor..... Nothing. And boy, did THAT hurt! Another week went by ( I was getting HUGE), Nothing! Doc finally said he would induce me the next Saturday morning. That was Sept. 30th.

We went in at 6am. I was given pitocin at 9am. I had had NO contractions at all before, but by 9:20am, OH MY GOSH....... PAIN! I skipped all the first signs of labor and went right into hard labor. The doctor broke my water at about 11am. The baby had a bowel movement inside me so they were worried that she may have problems. They wanted her out ASAP. She did NOT want out. About 1pm, I was dialated to a 4 and they finally gave me the epideral. Relief!! After that, I listened to Kenny G and enjoyed my labor. Well around 5pm, it wore off and they gave me another! At 6pm, I started pushing. Again at 7 I was in lots of pain. The doctor ordered a 3rd epideral because Alli's shoulders were large. He knew it was going to HURT. I'm so grateful to him!

Finally at 8:12pm, Alli came out screaming. She was perfect. What a miracle! She started nursing immediately. I had no idea that I had been ripped "from head to toe." It was the worse one the hospital had ever seen. They had to find special stitches to fix me up. I didn't care! I had my princess! It took quite a while to stitch me up. My husband was fine until he saw what happened to me. He needed to get outside for air. I didn't mind a bit.

We went home the next day and everyone was fine. I was a bit sore for a few days, but the joy of Allison Marie's birth took all that pain away. She is still the light of my life, and the birth of Alli will always be the most beautiful day of my life.

Copyright 1997, 1998 by author
Used by permission

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