Does it cost a lot to have a baby?

or "The Most Natural Way is Often the Least Expensive!"

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Does it cost a lot to have a baby? Well, I find it encouraging that the most natural (and healthy) way is often the least expensive way. Be informed about your options and go with what your heart tells you...

newborn1. Having a midwife attend your birth is a wonderful option for you to explore... of course there is also the option of having a "do-it-yourself" birth.

2. Consider having a homebirth.

3. Choose to have a vaginal birth if you are able to; many women have vaginal births after c-sections.

4. Consider using natural means to help deal with the pain... or perhaps go with the pleasurable birth option.

5. If you have a son, please consider leaving him intact.

6. Vaccinations may not be the best choice… do the benefits really outweigh the risks? Become informed.

7. With exclusive breastfeeding...

"The newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three."
~ Dr. Grantly Dick-Read

7. Many parents find that they do not need a crib (many babies do not even like them)... the family bed is an excellent option.

8. Consider the idea that perhaps you do not really need a stroller, a swing, or a playpen, etc.; as an alternative, a sling would be a helpful investment... you can also make your own sling.

9. Perhaps baby gadgets and toys are really unnecessary? Wearing your baby and letting him be part of your daily activities provides lots of stimulation for his growing brain. As he grows older, often a baby’s most favorite toys are objects you already have around the house. For example, plastic cups are fun and babies love looking at themselves in mirrors!

10. Cloth diapers are cheaper than disposables!!

So, let’s see… what does a baby really need?
Ideally, for at least the first six months, pretty much all a healthy, full-term baby needs to thrive is...

1. His mamma’s breasts
2. His mama’s arms (a sling is helpful!)
3. His mama’s love.
4. Cloth diapers!
5. His mama’s bed.
6. A daddy’s love and care is also indispensable.
7. Oh, yeah, babies need clothes, too! There are some really nice resale shops, plus, someone may let you borrow or have some clothes they used for their children.

[Babies are meant to be held]What doesn’t he need?

1. A crib, a playpen, or a stroller.
2. Artificial nipples, bottles, or formula.
3. Unnecessary medical intervention.
4. Fancy toys or gadgets.

Unborn Children are People Too

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