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Infant Care Tips


About Developmental Milestones
Easy Way to Pull Shirt Over Baby's Head
Help For a Stuffy Nose
Can You Hold Your Baby Too Much?
Isn't Quality Time Better Than Quantity Time?
Teething Helps
Diapering Hints
Breastfeeding Tips
Cutting Fingernails


About Developmental Milestones

The rate at which babies reach each developmental milestone is so varied, chances are your baby is normal. I know a mom whose first child walked at 17 months, and whose second child walked at 15 months. My little Ellen started crawling at 10 months and started walking at about 13-14 months. I know a boy her age who started walking at 8 months! If you are truly concerned, though, follow your instincts and have it checked out.

Easy Way to Pull Shirt Over Baby's Head

When putting a shirt over a baby's head, pull the shirt over the back of the head first, and then it will easily pull over the front. This is because a baby's head is much bigger in the back.

Help For a Stuffy Nose

Use a drop of saline solution (available in any supermarket or drug store as "nasal moisturizer") in each nostril before aspirating baby's nose. Wait one minute and you'll be amazed how easy and successful it will be!
--sent in by
Laurie Flanagan

P.S. by mykidzmom... I've heard that a drop of breastmilk can be used in lieu of saline solution. :-)

A warm mist vaporizer or a cool mist humidifier can help make a stuffy nose easier to breathe through. If you use a vaporizer, be careful to keep it out of reach; it gets hot. A vaporizer has the added plus that it helps warm a room, thus the heat in the house can be turned down. (The dry heat in the house during the cold months greatly contributes to the irritation of a dry, stuffy nose.)

"My son (now 22 months) was breastfed, was held all the time, was attended to, and was cared for in every way. I do not agree that holding a baby "too much" will spoil it. I've heard that time and time again, and my son is proof of it baing false. I see nothing wrong with hugging, kissing, and holding your children as often as you can and as much as they will let you. My son is a very affectionate child because of it." ~Monica Emery

Breastfeeding Tips

Pure medical grade lanolin is a lifesaver! It soothes a new breastfeeding mom's sore nipples and moisturizes baby's sometimes dry skin. When baby accidentally scratches his face with sharp little nails, a dab of lanolin heals it in a matter of kidding! The brand I recommend is
--sent in by Laurie Flanagan

Putting a little expressed breastmilk on sore nipples can help them heal quickly. Breastmilk helps fight germs, so it will help protect a cracked nipple from getting infected. Plus, the fat content in the breastmilk provides moisture. (Note: Do not put expressed breastmilk on your nipples if you have thrush... the breastmilk will feed it.)

Next to your nursing chair, keep a handy container of the necessities...saline, lanolin, nail trimmer, aspirator. While you nurse your baby, or hold her while she dozes, everything you may need is right on hand.
--sent in by Laurie Flanagan

Feeling tied down nursing all the time? Get a babysling!!! They are great for nursing in at the store, at church, the restaurant, or anywhere. It's a good way to breastfeed discreetly.

* Please visit my Breastfeeding Page for more breastfeeding information and help. While you are there, check out my Helpful Hints for New Breastfeeding Moms (things I wish I would've known!).

Cutting Fingernails

Trim nails while baby sleeps in your arms.
--sent in by
Laurie Flanagan

I found that the easiest way for me to keep Ellen's nails short was to bite them off (baby nails are very soft).

If your baby stratches herself with her sharp nails, your can use a nail file to help dull her nails. Rather than filing across the top of the nail with a back and forth motion (which can actually sharpen the nail!), try filing in a downward motion.

You can also try putting mits on your baby's hands. They even make mits with a hole cut for the thumb. :-)


If you have any helpful hints to add please mail me at or fill out this form. Let me know if you want your name and/or e-mail address included.

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