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Parents' Homepages

(Parents who have made attachment-style parenting a way of life.)

[follow your heart]Do people tell you that you are holding your baby too much? . . . that your baby will never sleep in his own bed if you don't make him sleep in a crib? . . . that you need to put your baby on a schedule or he will never sit still in school? (I had someone tell me that!!) Do people insist that you must let your baby "cry it out?" Don't listen to those self-proclaimed experts!!! IT IS NOT WRONG TO MEET YOUR BABY'S NEEDS. AS A MATTER OF FACT, IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Visit these pages and find helpful information, encouragement, and support from moms who have been there!

In alphabetical order...

toddler nursing doll
(c) Lori Thompson

* Confessions of a Career Mom Meet Karen and her family. Lots of good links and thoughts by Karen. Subjects include attachment parenting, the importance of being a stay at home parent, pregnancy, and homeschooling. Also read the neat birth story of Noah.

* Family Issues Page Read the many wonderful articles on parenting, the Ezzo method, and educating our families written by Rebecca Prewett; also find many links to online resources. Note: This site is not strictly ap, but many of the articles will provide real encouragement to Christian parents who practice ap.

*Gayesy's Attachment Parenting Pages

* The Home Sweet Homepage Laurie Flanagan's page dedicated to attachment parenting and family harmony. Meet this wonderful person who makes parenting her son her priority. Check out the great breastfeeding FAQ. This site also has excellent information on breastfeeding a newborn, extended nursing, attachment parenting, the family bed, and more!

* Instinctive Parenting Parenting the way nature intended from time beyond beginning! Lonnit's Home Page; "This site is dedicated to attachment parenting and breastfeeding in order to offer support to new parents on how to raise a secure child in a warm, loving, nurturing environment." Great articles!

* For the Love of Parenting This site has a nice page about attachment parenting and a page with reasons why to breastfeed which includes a list of the ingredients in formula.

* Welcome to Kathy's Place

* Kelly's Attachment Parenting Page Kelly has put together a **really** nice page with good, useful information on breastfeeding and parenting. She has an "Extended breastfeeding fact sheet" and pages on topics such as "Breastfeeding: the Numbers," "Does Mom's Diet Affect the Quality or Quantity of her Milk?" "Average Weight Gain for Breastfed Babies," "Increasing Low Milk Supply," and "Biting can be stopped." She also has a good selection of links.

* Kim's Natural Mothering Pages This is a well-designed site, and the music is so peaceful. There is information on attachment parenting, breastfeeding (and breastfeeding a toddler), thrush, cloth diapering, natural health, and more. There is also a good recommended reading list which includes kids books.

* Laura's Attachment Parenting Page Read Laura's definition of attachment parenting, reason's to breastfeed, parenting reading list, Pippa's birth story, and more.

* Laurie's Humble Home on the Web Laurie shares her opinions on childirth, breastfeeding, discipline, and more. Excellent information you won't be able to find anywhere else, plus many good links.

* Mama's Page This is one the first parenting sites I looked at when I got on the Internet back in August 1996. By covering a variety of topics such as birth choices, your newborn, and parenting, this site provides an excellent introduction to the parenting philosophy known as attachment parenting.

* Mango Mama's Page Unassisted Birth and Attachment Parenting

* Maya's World

* The Milkmaid's Parlor "This is the homepage of Laura Warren, aka the Milkmaid. This page is celebrating the joy and art of natural parenting--breastfeeding, attachment parenting, family bed, and loving guidance." Her site has many good articles on a variety of topics such as diapering, the hazards of formula, and natural weaning. Her loving guidance page provides many good suggestions to help you parent in a gentle manner.

* The Nature of Nurturing ~ Schai's Motherhood Site Schai encourages mothers to follow their instincts. She has written several articles including "The Nursing Giggle," "Attachment Parenting and the Family Bed," and "Sling Carriers." Her site has a "Product and Book Reviews" section and a forum where she posts a different question each month. Voice your opinions to the questions and read the responses of others. Home of the "Purple Ribbon Breastfeeding Support Campaign."

* The Pea Family. . . Instinctive Parenting at Work Read information on parenting instinctively and Alexandria's birth story; take a look at the great list of parenting books and publications; parenting links.

*The Radical Fringe Mothering Page

* Return to top.

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