Nursing a Toddler

Why Do You Nurse A Toddler???

My Alexandria is now 21 months (August 97), and I'd like to list some reasons I particularly like about nursing a "toddler" (she's still a baby to her mommy!):

1) The "act" gets named (Alexandria calls "it" nyungie - from the origin "yummy" - don't ask how it evolved as I have no earthly idea!).

2) She can *ask* to nurse and can respond when asked if she wants to nurse.

3) Owies and bo-bo's can be "fixed" with not only kisses and hugs, but quick sips!

4) Mothering hormones continue to calm and relax mom.

5) Nothing like a reconnection moment when there are lots of people around and too much to do for nursing. I love it when we're swimming at Grandma/pa's w/ the entire family, she's totally involved in everyone but me, and she asks to nurse! I actually get to touch her for a moment!

6) I don't have to worry about her getting all her nutrition from food.

7) If she doesn't feel all that well, we have lots of snuggle/nursing time.

8) On the subject of not feeling well, she tends to feel better quicker than non-bf children. On the other hand, the only illness she's ever had is a little sniffle!

9) When I have more children, we will be tandem nursing, and the thought of Alexandria plus another baby at my breast, with Alexandria's arm around the baby is a thought I delight in!

10) I love it and she loves it!!!

Alexandria's nursing pattern has pretty much stayed the same after infancy. She did decrease her nursing "sessions" around 11 months through 13 months, due to developmental distractions. I continued to offer though and let her know that I was always available to her. She picked up again full force after 13 months. At 21 months, she nurses approximately 10 times per 24 hour period. It's very difficult for me to tell exactly how many times she nurses at night since I sleep through them (we sleep together). She nurses mostly for nutrition, with a lot of comfort and pleasure nursing after she's met her hunger. She does nurse though, soley for comfort, in stressful or very exciting situations. I will not wean my daughter from the breast. I will not wean any of her siblings. They will wean when they are ready to move on from that relationship.

Paula Long (aka PeasMom)
Mommy to Alexandria Kaelin Barr Long (11/20/95) - includes a great book/link list

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The image of nursing toddler is copyright 1997 Lori Thompson Photography.

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