Nursing a Toddler

Why Do You Nurse A Toddler???

I am still nursing my 20 month old, Hollis. He still asks to "ess" (his word for nurse) all the time. He doesn't nurse at night anymore, although sometimes he will nurse for a little while before we really wake up (at which point he nurses again :).

Nursing is such a comfort to him. When he's hurt it immediately calms him down. We went to Massachusetts at Christmas, and he got bronchiolitis and had to spend a night in the hospital for observation. The doctor encouraged me to nurse him frequently to keep him hydrated. He said a lot of babies won't eat or drink and have to have an IV, and that the breastfed babies almost always fare better (and don't need one). Hollis barely ate any solid food for the three days he was sick, but didn't lose an ounce because of nursing. BTW, that was the first and only time he has been sick!

I'm pregnant now, and I think my milk supply is going down because Hollis has been eating a lot more solid food lately. He still nurses a lot, so I guess at this point it is mostly for comfort. It also gives me a rest during the day... we can both lie down on the bed for a few minutes. I plan on letting him wean himself. I kind of doubt that he's going to wean before this pregnancy is over (I'm due in March), but we'll see.

and Hollis, 12/14/95
and Spud #2, due 3/15/98

My name is DeAwna, and I have a 21 1/2 month old name Jeffrey. We are a happy nursing couple. My husband is Jeff. I really enjoy nursing Jeffrey now because we had a very rocky start. Jeffrey didn't want to nurse immediately following birth. In fact, he didn't want to nurse for 50 hours after he was born. My milk came in when he was only 45 hours old. I got engorged so severely that I had to rent a breast pump and do a "pump ritual" every three hours that took 1 1/2 hours to complete. I did this for three days then spent the remainder of the week weaning myself off the pump. I had sever nipple sensitivity for 3 1/2 weeks but with the support of my sisters, who are both LLL Leaders, and my determination to give Jeffrey the very best there was I stuck with it. Boy was I glad.

At his 1 month well baby check he was diagnosed with Severe Acid Reflux. He has since been on five different prescription medications. He was five months old when we went to see a gastroenterologist. After a month we finally got Jeffrey on three medications that helped regulate his reflux, Propulsid, Zantac, and Bethanecol. $70 worth of medication for a six month old. Boy was I glad I didn't have to buy formula!!! Not to mention that formula would have made is reflux even worse!! I was doing the best for my precious baby boy, and that was somewhat of a relief.

We've continued to nurse for the most part because HE isn't ready for weaning. I also take comfort in the pluses to extended nursing, especially when he's a toddler. You know how toddlers are, they pick up everything and put it in their mouths, at church, in the nursery, at other peoples homes, at the mall, anything they can get their hands on.

My favorite part of nursing a toddler is the "cuddle time" I get. He's SO busy and active and independent. Sometimes when we're nursing he'll look up at me and I'll ask him if he wants to get down and play with his toys. It's a relief to me when he shakes his head no; I'm still very important to him and he's still my little baby.

Sometimes I think extended nursing is more of a comfort to me than it is to him. Although it is amazing how when he hurts himself a little "nunum" (nursing) will calm him immediately. I've tried the just hug and a kiss and the pain always lasts longer without the nunum. Also the prolactin is a big plus for me. When we've had a hectic day and sit down to nurse, the prolactin kick's in and I calm down measurably.

We're nursing four to six times in a twenty-four hour period now. That includes night nursing as well. Having his toddler bed in the side car position to our queen bed makes night nursing much easier. I'm there for him and I get the sleep I need. My husband enjoys having him close to us too. It's so nice to look over at that precious sleeping baby right before you drift off or right after you wake in the morning. We love having a toddler. Children are indeed a blessing from God.


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The image of nursing toddler is copyright 1997 Lori Thompson Photography.

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