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Live Show FAQ

What is a live show? A live show is a model horse convention in which model horse hobbyists gather to show their models. The models are judged in various classes, most of which are similar to classes at real horse shows.

Why is it called a live show? There are two main types of shows in the model horse hobby: live and photo. To photo show, one sends pictures of their models to be judged. In live shows, the exhibitors actually take their models and themselves to the show. It happens "live" (like most football games!). The judging occurs while you are watching it.

Where are live shows held? How do I find one? Live shows are held in many states all over the United States. There are also shows in Great Britain and Canada. Most shows are held in hotels or other rented buildings. "Backyard" shows are sometimes held in the homes of hobbyists. If you live in the US, the North American Model Horse Shows Association may be able to help you find shows in your area. Also, read the ads in The Hobby Horse News and other model publications for show announcements. To find backyard shows, you will have to ask local collectors.

What do you do at a live show? You show your models and meet lots of other people that share the same interests as you do! There are often models and props to buy, too.

How do you show in halter classes? For halter classes, you select a model with near perfect condition and good conformation (most general horse books discuss proper conformation). You clean the horse with a damp cloth and bring it to the show. When the proper class is called, set the model on the table in a spot where it can be seen well, taking great care not to bump the other entries (you break it, you pay for it!!!). The horses are placed and awards are given out.

How do you show in performance classes? To show in performance, you will need to invest in quality props that are in scale with your model(s). These can be bought from hobbyists or made by yourself (Rio Rondo offers tack kits). To show, put appropriate tack (saddles, etc.) on the model. When the class is called, place the model on the table with an index card explaining what the horse is doing. The exhibits will be judged using varying degrees of the following factors: suitability to class, tack fit, condition, rules of the class at real horse shows, and creativity.

How much does it cost to enter? Why do entry fees cost so much? Besides the initial costs of the model, props, transportation, and lodging (if applicable), there is usually an entry fee. Backyard shows are sometimes free, but the bigger shows often charge $10-$40 dollars. Some shows offer novice divisions which are less expensive to enter. The entry fee is derived after figuring out expenses for the show hall, refreshments (if available), judge (if the judge is paid), ribbons (these are more expensive than most people realize!), other awards, the show program, advertising, copies of everything, postage/envelopes, and lots of other miscellaneous expenses most folks never dream of. Live shows are NOT a money-making business! Most rely on a core of hard-working volunteers, consider offering to be one!

What should I take with me? Your models, tack, props, and some cash, of course. You may also want to take glue, scissors, tape, tweezers, and other items you might need to repair tack. Bring something to snack on and any medications that you take.

What are "tags"? Most shows require you to put tags on your models that identify the owner of the horse and other information. These tags are simply the white paper rectangles with a few inches of string hanging off of them sold at office supply stores. The tags are tied on one lower leg of each model. Tag your models well in advance of the show.

What models should I take? All of them? You can show any brand of model, unless the show rules say otherwise. Most people, who show original finish models, show Breyers. All models that you bring should be free of scratches, breaks, or rubs and be spotlessly clean. Do not take your entire collection! Limit yourself to only the models that you anticipate will do well. If you take too many horses, you will be so busy getting them into the right classes that you won't have any time to socialize, eat, or visit the bathroom! : )

Which Breyers should I take? Do not bring common models. They will not do as well as the less easily seen horses. Breyer molds that tend to place well include: Lady Phase, Cantering Welsh Pony (Tara), Classic Arabians, Classic Thoroughbreds, Stud Spider (Mister Mister), Trakhener (Abdullah), Hackney, and Gifted (Hanoverian). Models that do not place well, mainly because of conformation, are: Buckshot (Hickock/Cody), Family Arabians, Khemosabi, Lady Roxana, Mesteno, Misty, Western Horse, and Western Pony.

I have another question, who should I ask? Me! Contact me via the Comments form and I will post the answer on this page if I know it. If I don't know, you can post a message to the Haynet.