*NOTE: This is copyrighted*

To The Greatest Love Of All: God

I lie in a vast field of wildflowers out in the middle of nowhere. As I lie there, I begin to wonder about my life. Everything seems so hard and when I go search for the answer, it is nowhere in sight. I search everywhere for it. In the rolling hills, on the snowy peaks that sit high above the clouds. I look deep in the dark seas and in the valley yonder. I search far and wide. It appears to me the only place left is inside myself. So I begin to search once more. I close my eyes, look, listen, try to feel everything...but you know what, I still can't find it. I am empty. Darkness is all that is there. I see that so much pain has passed through. So many tears have fallen. So many nights have gone unslept. So many glances have been cast and unreturned. So many smiles faded. Well no more. I have no more. I've cried too many tears, felt too much pain and anger, glanced once to many times, and as for smile, it comes no more. So I am about to leave this cold place, when I see a tiny ball of light. I reach out and touch the light and I feel warmth, love, sadness, anger, and happiness. When I realize who and what this is, tears run down my cheeks. I had overlooked it before and I shan't do it again. I keep my eyes closed, put my hands together and I thank God for always being there the whole time with the answer in his arms.

Jackie Lynn Ballard
December 15, 1993

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