Bobs Cat House


Welcome to Bob's House

Come in and meet Bob & his cousin Smokey

Bob was born in the Spring of 1985 in a field behind my husband's office, there were four kittens in the litter and when they were about 4 weeks old a hungry ole coyote came and took 2 of the kittens, Mom moved the other kittens but the coyote found them and took the Mom and the other kitten , leaving only one tiny black and white 4 week old kitten , so my husband rescued him and brought him home sound asleep in the palm of his hand. He was so tiny & had only a stump for a tail (hence the name BOB CAT) he slept in my slipper for quite awhile, but soon began to grow !!. AND DID HE GROW !! he now is about twelve yrs old and weighs in at 23 lbs. He also shows all the characteristics of a true Manx. Bob lives with the Elkies and has helped raise quite a few puppies so I thought he deserved a page of his own along with the Elkies.

cat hr

bobs picture

Bobby at 4 weeks in my slipper

bOB   picture Okay kid I'm going to get you.

bob picture= Gotcha.



bob picture

Bobby having one of his big stretches.

moke picture

smoky picture

Meet " Smoky" . He lives with my son & daughter-in law.and is quite unique as he is also a big fellow but has 6 toes on each foot. Needless to say Smoky rules.

See I can stretch too. And I have long claws.

bobby picture

moky picture  

This is the latest picture of Bob at age 12 yrs.

Hey Bob
look I am almost as big as you



misty picture

This is Misty, a sweet little kitten I raised from a new born, Misty loved to come into the house at Christmas and would sit and look at the Christmas tree lights for about 20 minutes and then wanted out and she would seldom come back into the house until the next year, but never went far from the door. Unfortunetly 2 dogs of a neighbour (running free) killed Misty early one morning. She didn't deserve what they did to her. She also helped raise puppies.



Bobby died November 26th 1998
at age 13 from diabetes.

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