"Lisa's Daycare Poem"

Lisa's Country Daycare is the Place,

Where children keep a happy face.

Arriving early and leaving late,

What is in store for them, they can't wait.

With Cartoons and Breakfast out of the way,

Pre-School hour is time to learn and play.

Some like to color and some like to draw,

Some like to build best of all.

next we have out door games and fun,

Where they can all climb, swing and run.

Favorite groups of 3 and best friends,

Pushing and Pulling hearts always mend.

With lunch underway its time to wash and eat,

every child has picked their favorite seat.

With one of each food group on their plate,

Always having room for one more scoop after they've ate.

Next, we have quiet time to nap and to rest,

for dishes and cleaning this time is best.

With diapers changed and bottles put away,

It always turns out to be a good day.

Every child having a pillow, blanket and a cot,

This time flies by to me, but, to them, Not!

Now it's time for snacks and treats,

This time of the day is hard to beat.

With parents arriving between 3 and 5,

In go the children and off they drive.

Once they leave there's lot's of planning in store,

For what happens tomorrow with every knock at my door.

With Holidays our "Favorite Time of the year",

Spreading smiles, Happiness and Holiday Cheer.

With parents hard at work at their daily obligations all day,

They never have to worry if their children are safe.

With a Smile and a Thank-You from every parent to me,

A Daycare-Provider is the best job I could of Chosen to be!

Copyright Lisa's Country Daycare

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