Buddy Pages Projects

Coloring noodles for crafts

Noodles with holes in center
bottle of alcohol
colors of food coloring

Put noodles in a container.Add enough alcohol to cover noodles. Now add
the food coloring of your favorite colors you want to use. All noodles
must be completely covered with both ingredients. The longer they are
in the solution, the brighter your colors will be. When at right color
for you, take out of bowls and dry and paper towels. Let dry. They are
ready for stringing or glue(ing). Have fun!

Rainblow Paper Plates

2 paper plates (for each project)
Colored cellephane paper

Cut out a large circle in the middle of 2 paper plates. Glue the colored
cellophane paper to cover the hole on one plate, and then glue the two
plates together. Fun, sun-catcher.

Bubble Fun Pictures
White construction paper
Liquid Dish Soap
Food Coloring

Put some water in a plastic cup. Squeeze a little liquid soap and 3 or 4
drops of food coloring inside the cup. It should be your favorite color.
Now, put the straw in the cup and blow into it. If you press a piece of
white paper on top of the cup quickly before the bubles pop you can make
a picture on the white paper. And it's lot's of fun!

Gulf Ball Painting

A shoebox lid
A gulf ball
White paper

Take and put the shoebox lid on your table.Place a white piece of paper
inside the shoebox lid. Place the gulf ball in a color of paint (in a
bowl). With a spoon, gently lift the gulf ball out of the paint.Place
the gulf ball on the white paper in the box lid. Grab both sides of the
lid and let the golf ball roll around and make a wonderful marbelized
picture to hang and brag on. You can use several different colors.

Coffee Filter Butterflies

Coffee Filters
Pipe Cleaners
Colored Markers

Take the coffee filters and let the kids decorate with markers. Pinch
together in the center and tie with a pipe cleaner. Eztend the pipe
cleaners to be an antennae. Fan out each side and you now have a
beautiful butterfly! Enjoy!

KoolAide Picture Painting

1 package of pre-sweetened Koolaide, any color
Liquid Dishwashing detergent
Stiff Paper

Children create any design on a paper with glue. Clip the koolaide
package. Sprinkle koolaide over glue. The koolaide will turn from white
powder to bright wonderful colors. Let dry.

Plastic Jello Fun

1 envelope unflavored gelaton
3 tablespoons water
food coloring

In a pan over medium heat, cook the gelatin, water and food coloring.
Stir constantly until dissolved. Remove from heat. Pour mixture into a
plastic coffee can type lid. You may add sequins,etc. while wet. Let dry
1 to 2 days until hard. Lift when edges are hard. Can be cut with
scissors, punched with a hole for a suncatcher, etc.....

Foil Art


For a different kind of textured fun, let your children paint on pieces
of foil. It show pretty when in different colors. Many crafts can be
made by glue(ing) their painted foil art onto posterboard and displayed
for their parents and grandparents.

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