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"My Man"



This page is for my husband Dan. He may not be much into computers like I am...but I just wanted you to know a little bit about this wonderful man that I married.

Dan Until I get a picture scanned in for Dan, this one will have to do! *S* Although, the only thing that looks like him on this pic is maybe the old cowboy hat...he has a closet full of those!

Dan is the love of my life, it took me quite a few years to find him and I Thank God every day that I did! This is a man that wakes up most every mornin' with a smile on his face and a song in in his heart! Dan is everybody's friend. He is patient, caring, respectful, helpful and above everything else, honest and loving.

He has worked for the rural electric co-op. in our area for 26 years now. He's an avid fisherman. He plays the guitar and can belt out a song like nobody's business! He sang his way into my heart...and then the gettin' to know him and the kind of person he is, kept him there! This man not only took me in, but he also took my three children in and has loved them as his own and has always been there for them.

He's also taught me alot...on how to accept things for what they are, how to appreciate life more and be more trusting. He's made me a much better person and I now feel complete... thanks to him!


"Crazy Arms" midi

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