This page was created for webheads by a webhead... using a Sony Classic

and is currently maintained with a Dell Optiplex

Eight Years Online

April 12, 2007

Hey!! Well thanks for comin'...When you get to each page... Please remember to REFRESH to make sure you get the updated page. And PLEASE take a minute and sign my guestbook towards the bottom of this page. Or wait 'til ya get done but please don't forget... there's another opportunity on the next page as well.

Click here to go to my main page...

**Please Note**

I intend this site for all ages, however, some sites are not recomended for children to view without parental supervision. If you find something not appropriate please let me know what page you found the link on and what site the link goes to... I will review the site myself and decide if the item needs to be removed... PLEASE remember that sites are constantly updated and things may have been added since I linked the site or since I last visited the site.

To the best of my knowledge I contain


The views and opinions of these sites are that of seperate individuals, I form my own opinions and if you want it, just ask... But beware... you may wish you hadn't heard them. LOL

Anyway.... I just want to say... Have a sense of humor, and enjoy the ride...

There are many jumping off points along the way... don't get too lost... lol.


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NASCAR@ is a registered Trademark of the National Association of Stock Car Automobile Racing. NASCAR@ Online is the OFFICIAL NASCAR@ website. It is located at, and I am not affiliated with them in any way.

All other links used under permission.

I do not demean nor do I condone or express the views found in the sites contained within this page. I am simply compiling a collection of sites and interesting stuff from all over the internet. If you find something offensive... Please discard or leave the site and continue... I'm sure there will be something more your style right on the next page.



Hey Check it out... I never dreamed when I started this that I would build an award winning page... Thanks for noticing... Also... you could WIN MY award...


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