Family Photo Album 
 This page is... as it says, a photo album and might take a little while to download.  Get comfy and just read my dribble till the pics are up. :)  If the images are fuzzy then get cunning and bump your comp up to high resolution. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Peter ( right )  and Dale ( left )
Peter, my nephew and my son Dale.    Dale is the unconditional love of my life. He is 4 years old and totally adorable. Ok, so I am biased! Dale is a fairly energetic little man.  He is creative and artistic, inquisitive and persistent.  He is sensitive and snugly as well.  We are great friends and spend a lot of time messing around together.  He is crazy about *Seinfeld* and won't go to bed until he has seen him. hehe He loves the computer and knows more than I do about how to work them! *kissy* *kissy* <-- love you my darling.
 Dale ( Left ) and Emily Grace ( Right )
Dale and my niece, Emily.   Oh don't they look cute! Dale likes cameras a lot, unlike his mum.  I think he needs to work on that grin though. hehe



 Anthony ( left ) and Rodney ( right )
Anthony (left) and his best friend Rodney.  Anthony is Dale's daddy. He was my high school sweetheart. Despite everything that we have been through together he remains one of the nicest people in my life.  He is a terrific father and a caring, sweet soul.

 Mum and Dad

My marvelous Mum  : ) My fabulous Dad !
These spiffy looking folks are my parents. *grin*  I think I did pretty well with them actually.  My family is very close.  I owe everything that I am to my mum and dad.  They spent years going without so that we could have every opportunity in life.  They are selfless people with an incredible ability to just keep on giving.  My dad has a warped sense of humour which I like, though I tell him otherwise! He would go shopping with us as kids and decide to embarrass us by wiggling his hips and prancing round like a *fairy*... hehe.  We managed to master the art of *cringe & run* , which saved us from getting too embarrassed.  My mum is a quiet, classy lady.  She is soft and caring and amazingly resilient to all life's knock backs. Nothing ever keeps her down.  She showed me how to live my life, how to be successful, and the importance of never giving up.   Mum and Dad, thank you for giving me the freedom to make some really big mistakes in life.  Thank you even more for always being there to dust me off and push me in a new direction and for never saying "I told you so".

Netty and her family

My sister Netty and her hubby Jason
Jason and Netty.       Annette is my older sister. She is 26 and is a piano teacher. There aren't words enough to describe her to you. We have always been very close.  If there was trouble to be made, she was with me. If there was sadness or hurt close by, she would take it on board to ease it for me.  Netty is like my gentle reminder that things can always get better.  She is my best friend.  Jason is 27 and  works as a security guard.  He is one of the hardest working people I know.  There is nothing that he wouldn't do for his wife or children.  He has also nearly finished a degree in Administration and does part time Army stuff too. :)  They have two sweet children, Emily 2 yrs and Petey 18 months, and are pictured with Dale above.  :)
Me and my sis !
Netty and I in Adelaide. After a 6 am flight I am suprised either of us could smile!
My sister Netty ( left ) and me !
Hats.... Netty owns more than anyone I know *smiles*  This pic was taken under a shady canopy of grape vines.   I love places like that....


 ( Editorial Note:  ...What a stud !...  <grin> )  : p
Ahhh at last we get to Sean !   He is my spunky little brother. Sean is 22 years old and works in the IT industry.  He was born in England and is the reason why we never got to complete that *around the world* tour. *snarls*  He has a very dry sense of humour and likes witty, educated people. If you are full of crap, he will be sure to let you know.  He lives with Dale and I.  He is a master cook ( I have to encourage him *somehow* to make me dinner!) and good fun to be with.  Oh, yes... he has done the hard slog to get my page working :)  *hugs*  Ta brother!
( Editorial Note :   This is all the thanks I get for making this *AWESOME * site !   sheesh sis, don't put yourself out ! )

  Before we were famous

My sis and I as young kids !
 Mum made us matching dresses. I think I was about 4 years old here and Netty 5 yrs old.
 Dad and I when I was 4 or 5  : )
 I remember this day so clearly.  Dad made us stand on these cement blocks in the middle of a rushing river so he could get a nice arty photograph.  I was terrified and froze when it was time to return to the shore.  Dad was my helping, safe hand that guided me back safely.  That is how I think of him.  This picture captured what he spent a lifetime doing for me.  :)
My dad and my sis  !
Don't you love the 70's?!  This is Dad and Netty when she was 2 years old. I think he was a visionary at that time. He had as much hair as he could cause he *knew* it was going to migrate from his head when he was older!!
 My brother Seany !  ( Editorial Note :  How'd this get here ! )
 This is a little Seany!  OOO how cute!   He was so sweet and innocent ... then he started speaking. *smirk*  I think he was about 18 months in this shot.
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Made and Designed by Sean Roberts