mIRC, ICQ and my friends !
Most of the people that will be browsing through this page will be people I have met on mIRC and icq and might very well be listed below! I have, though, included a few of my good friends from *da real world*.  All I can say is that these are some of the nicest people you could hope to meet, so one day, if you get the chance to, say hello to them, and see exactly what I mean :)

 My Friends !

Nice Picture !  : )

mIRC and ICQ Freinds

Note: These were not done in any particular order so if you are at the bottom it isn't because I like you any less *smiles*. oh! and also.. if I have stuffed up a ~minor~  detail like your age.. let me know and I will fix it :) If I have *really* stuffed up and forgotten you, boot me up da bum and I will make amends with severe groveling and *batting of lashes*. smirks.

Nice Picture !  : )

Everybody Else !

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' peek - a - boo ! '
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