dunman high school chinese orchestra
cello.bass section (aka DYB)

i never thought that i would play the cello in the chinese orchestra. in fact, i was ignorant of the fact that the cello and double bass were used in chinese orchestras! :)

taken in guangzhou (more below)
first row: jianye, meijun, huili, weixun
second row: clement?, kewei, jocasta, adeline, minying, likai
third row: zhengyi, weiwei, yanhui, me, kailing, meijin, shengzhao

taken at the airport just before departure to Guangzhou
(Performance Tour 1998)

it has been an enjoyable 7 years being part of the DHS chinese orchestra, as a school member, and then as a senior (or alumni member) (who enjoys certain privileges that the younger ones don't!)

DYB family with conductor Mr Tay Teow Kiat (Performance Tour 1998)

one thing that keeps me drawn to this orchestra as well as the nanyang academy of fine arts chinese orchestra (NAFA) would be the conductor, mr. tay teow kiat. i love his conducting (super stylo!). i just feel like playing my best everytime i play under his baton...maybe it's his dynamism, or his intense passion for chinese music...he just has this uncanny way of making the members excited about making music and allowing the emotion embedded in the music to just flow out so naturally.

another photo taken at a cave in Guilin (Performance Tour 1998)
look out for me at the far right!

i've been to china with the DHS orchestra twice on performance tours. the first was in june 1996, where we played at beijing and tianjin. of course we took time off to do some sightseeing and the great wall of china was not to be missed! the orchestra visited guilin and guangzhou in december 1998 and that was my second performance tour with DHSCO. we played the famous 'butterfly lovers concerto' as well as other really nice pieces.

neoprint taken with former cello teacher (try spotting him!)i shall name the people in the neoprint, since their faces are NOT distorted:starting from the top left: weiming, huiyi, jingtian, billiecentre row from left: jiahui, chenghui, ziying, Huang Lao-Lao, meijunbottom row from left: ninart, sihui, kailing, shengyong(ps: i'm not in there!)

photo taken at some beach in Hong Kong. we were on a performance tour with the
NAFA chinese orchestra in 1996. that's me, second from the right

neoprint of the four cellists in my batch
me, kailing, likai, meijun
been really long since we played together....but those were the days man!

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