Hoomin Foods Critiques!
Does your hoomin sometime slip you a little bit of their food? Or purrhaps these little treasures fall from the kitchen table? Well, tell us what you like and what you hate!

Product: Cheetos
Sometimes when mommie iz watching teevee, she'll take out bags of stuff to munch on. Mommie says chips are too salty fur me, but once when she wuz eating these bright neon orange things, she gave me a little piece. She kept laughing at me cuz I didn't know how to eat it at furrst... the whole thing is full of air... but I got the hang of it and now when mommie eats them, I get some too. Mmmmmm! How I love cheeezy Cheetos!

Product: Pepurridge Farms Cheddar Cheeeze Goldfishies
Once when daddy got out the "snack can", I was watchin'. When he turned around, I made my move! What was in dis can dat came out effurrynight when he got home? Ah hah! I snatched one of "dem", and ran! Crunch, crunch, hmmm....purrty good! So I goes back to the scene furr more. Tippy-paw, tippy-paw...and...uh oh, daddy's awatchin'! Pwease, purr, pwease, may I haff anufurr? Now, efurry once in a while I gets half of a Pepperidge Farm cheese goldfish! Purrty stingy, but I takes what I can get! Hey, anybody know if cheese fishies live in da wild?

Product: Coffee (any brand)
Meowmie wuz drinking something from a mug and I saw that smoke waz coming out of it. Naturally, I went over to investigate. She told me that she wuz drinking coffee, my namesake. Then meowmie got a small spoon and took some out (and made sure it wuzn't too hot) and let me try some. But meowmie says I couldn't haf lots though, or else I'd be bouncing off the walls! Meow! No wonfurr meowmie's always drinking it! It's furry sweet and yummy!

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